Dec. 2, 22: Routine, World Cup, Quest, TV, and Games


Fell asleep a bit earlier last night than I have been, around nine thirty or so, and even with being woken up in the night and going out to the couch, I got just over a full eight hours. šŸ‘ It does seem like cutting out the Red Bull in the afternoon has helped.

Canā€™t think of all too much interesting happening during the morning routine, just the usual. Cryptos are still more or less range bound and gave back some of yesterdayā€™s gains.

I did do quite a bit of chatting over on Discord about LGN since I got some more for holding BRO but still felt stupid for fomoing in. Even after all the discussion, I still donā€™t quite get itā€¦sounds like taking money from new investors and paying older investors, but I donā€™t know for sure; at least Iā€™ll be on the beneficiary side of that (hopefully šŸ˜›).

Other than that, just the same token shifting, curation, etcetera I normally do and then I got to work on my post. Got a solid one done, like fifteen hundred words, and posted and shared in time for the first
fooosball game.

Today was the proper last day of the Group stage and somehow, once again, got to watch the more boring of the games. šŸ¤·šŸ¤¬ Ok, to be fair, the Korea versus Portugal game was ok with Korea coming from behind to win, but the last few have definitely been more casual than the opening games.

I basically just killed the time in between games. I got some lunch and really thought about heading out for a walk, but the time just got shorter and shorter (as it does) and eventually I just gave up on it and dinked around online until the second game started.

I watched the Brazil versus Cameroon game and while it did have a surprising upset at the end, Cameroon was out and the other game was back and forth with five goals! šŸ˜® Would have much rather watched that one, but it is what it is. Tomorrow is the first day of the knockout stages and the US opens against the Netherlands [in about fifteen minutes šŸ˜], going to be a tough one, but Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

When the Game (damn autocorrect still thinks itā€™s German šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬) ended I still had
about an hour and a half before Wenche was set to come home, so I took care of the dishes in the kitchen and then busted out the quest.

I didnā€™t realize it, but there was a four hundred piece puzzle that Iā€™d started working on a while ago and thought Iā€™d finished but was only halfway through and I ended up getting it completed a few minutes after Wenche got home.

She made us some pasta and meat sauce for dinner and then we watched a movie: Secret Society of Second Born Royals, a Disney flick that was as bad as it soundsā€¦the cheese level/girl power was at full saturation and hardly anything happened (other than interpersonal drama) for the vast majority of it. šŸ˜”

After that we hunted around for a bit but settled on watching some more Superstore before bedtimeā€¦only one more season left, we just finished the third. šŸ˜¢

Full disclose, having lazed around watching the World Cup games, Not going for a walk, and playing a sedentary game on the Quest, I had several thousand steps left for the day when I went to bed, so I did some hardcore cheating to keep my streak alive.

[Honestly thought the new post section would significantly boost my word countā€¦only just scraped by this time.]

There it is! What did I say?! Negative dShitty income nonsense is back. šŸ¤¬ Somehow, by the grace of the RNG gods, there was no additional shittiness on top so my fortune balloons by a full nineteen SIM. šŸ¤‘šŸ’ŖšŸ˜›



After a full three days of drunk fans on Rising Star, not only have they finally expired, but I did a lesson and my Ego was zero so Iā€™m back to missions again.


Itā€™s been several weeks now since Iā€™ve actually interacted with HashKings and Iā€™m just recycling the same pictures and saying the same things every dayā€¦might be time to ditch this section?




Oh, boy! Two dollars seems like a blessing nowā€¦what is going on with Splinterlands?! Only $1.1 today. šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m still sitting on half of the DEC I pulled out the other day, need the market to turn aroundā€¦


Claimed my SPS interest and paid the rental fee as usual. I did go in later yesterday and staked what I had l, and intend to today as well, but forgot before I took the picture.

Hereā€™s my first shot at an extra section for random games I interact with but donā€™t properly play for one reason or another:

Been going in and staking up the GLX drop a couple times a day. We did get a little rise in the price, but not even back to ten cents, so I still havenā€™t sold the ten I moved out. Even so, looking at a couple hundred bucks worth (on paper).


Tried to interact with King of Duels again, but for real, this is what it looks like to me:


When I say all I can see are pink and blue blurs, I mean it. I havenā€™t even dared to try and play since I canā€™t tell what cards are what and didnā€™t understand the tutorial.

Average Last 7 Days: 11,315

Lifetime Average: 14,636

10k per Day Streak: 54


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 1224.18 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 90%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 86%
Productivity: 70%




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