After a certain period of time children should be allowed to make their own decisions, my tree Tuesday thoughts

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Warren Buffett

If I ask people about the benefits of trees, everyone’s answer will be closer in some way. Trees give us oxygen and absorb other greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and we all know that. The tree that gives us shade, fruit, gives us wood to build houses and it is also not unknown to us. But in my opinion the most important thing that we get from the tree is patience and courage.



I will elaborate the last sentence above a little more. Ignoring many of storms, the tree stands tall. This is a great learning for people. We should not be easily shattered by any danger and the tree teaches us that. One of the greatest virtues we can learn from a tree is patience. We cut a branch of a tree and even a full tree but it stands still patiently. Although these words are all said in a metaphorical sense, in reality we can learn a lot from the tree.




Anyway back to the main discussion. As a tree grows independently, similarly as parents are we allowing the freedom of our children? The answer is ‘No’ in many cases. After a certain period of time children should be helped to move independently and make decisions of their own. Many parents make this mistake. Even when the child grows up, they want to maintain their dominance over the children. For this reason, many cases the children go against it. This work, of course, is not very good, but many parents do it for the unconsciousness. Their love for children is so blind and strong that they consider their child as young even after they grow up, and this is not acceptable to their children at all.




The influence of the extended or combined family can be seen in our native society. In many cases, quarrels are found in these combined families. The bigger the family, the more quarrels are there. One of the reasons is the influence of parents on their children. If a member from outside the family is introduced, she wants to think of the family as her own, and independence is one of the most important issues there. Whenever that freedom is disturbed, the family quarrel starts. So, it is better for parents not to impose any kind of authority over their children after a certain age. This does not mean that the parents will support their children evil work. So in this situation parents have to fix themselves the limits of their authority over their children.



Anyway, that afternoon I went out to walk along the beautiful path of the village. After a long time, the sound of the birds singing and the cool shade of the trees filled my mind. Such a beautiful view is rarely seen in the city. So, whenever I get time, I always try to reach to nature. All photos in this post were taken at that time.

Stay safe and healthy.

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