Introducing Myself

Hi everyone. I only joined Hive via ListNerds a week or so ago, and I'm still overwhelmed by it. This is just my first post to say hi.

So instead of boring you with my whole life story which is far from extraordinary, I will just briefly tell you who/what I am.

I can smile.

Happily Married Gay

I'll be 58 this year. Born in Japan, moved to the UK when I was 23, and I've been with my English husband since 2007. We live in London with a 4-year-old Jack Russell.

I Was An Alcoholic Accountant

I'm a recovering alcoholic - battled all my life. I quit drinking (again) around 2011-2012 for the 3rd time because I had to take a few important accountancy exams at the time. I've been sober since.

I'm An Asperger

I may have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). I was supposed to be officially diagnosed by a specialist in early 2020, which was then cancelled due to the pandemic.

It makes sense because I'm a weirdo when it comes to verbal communications - I'm a super-friendly, peacemaker guy, but I'm not very good at spontaneous, heated conversations.


I quit my job as an accountant 6 years ago and my husband's also taken early retirement. I work part-time from home doing some marketing, designing, and occasionally accountancy when a job comes in.

Taking Thing Easy...Old Age Sucks But OK

There are fewer things we can do each day as we get older, you know. Every morning we go out for a couple of hours then come home because we need to pee (bladder control! Old age sucks. 🤣)

I know it sounds cliché but my husband & I tell each other to embrace each day and enjoy life as much as we can because we don't know how much longer we have left. We're both healthy (reasonably!) but we're definitely in the latter third of life. Anything could happen.

I don't intend to drink ever again because if I do next time, I'll probably die. And I can't be bothered to find out if I really am ASD or not. It doesn't matter to me now - if I am, I am.


I'm not sure how often I can publish this blog because I write incredibly slow. And I also spend my time updating my old site which at least generates extra income for now. I've still no idea about Hive, I'm enjoying learning about it right now, and will continue trying.

That's it for my introduction. Thanks for reading!


p.s. Thank you all for your comments, sorry if I haven't replied, that's because I don't have enough...points?? I definitely will over time!

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