Splinterlands Ranked Battle Report: Temporal Master.

This time I'm here to share another amazing ranked battle experience of playing splinterlands with you all. I'm also writing this post to take my participation in the weekly share your battle challenge contest arranged by @splinterlands. In this week's contest Splinterlands has set the challenge to play with a ranked battle using a Monster named Temporal Master. Ans I'll be sharing my battle report now,

Temporal Master

  • The Temporal Master is an Epic monster that play's under the Life splinter and belongs to the Chaos Legion card series. This monster is a magic attack user. This monster costs only 3mana caps to use in battles. I didn't have this monster before so I purchased it and played a few matches with this monster. The "RECHARGE" ability of this monster is really amazing and quite useful during battles. This ability helps the monster too,

"This monster attacks every other round. But, does 3x damage."

  • This means it'll recharge its power in one round and then attack the next with 3times more power. For this, the monster just needs to survive through the recharging rounds. And as we're aware, a magic attack with 3 damaging power is considered really a strong one. Especially when the monster costs only 3 mana caps to use in battles. Even though this monster is good and strong because of its powers, it still has one weakness. That is the life capacity of this monster. This monster has only 2 lives; most monsters can kill it with a single blow. And I happen to be a victim of this bad side. You'll know about it sooner.

Temporal Master.jpg

  • So, now let's talk about my battle. I played it against an opponent who used a Dragon Summoner named Drake of Arnak with fire monsters and the battle was quite epic. And I used a Life Summoner named General Salon. Here's my battle history:

Screenshot 2022-11-06 034943.png

And here's my battle link:


And here's my lineup:

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  • So, as you can see his summoner's ability was to increase the shield of every friendly monster by +1 and my summoner's ability was to increase the ranged attacking ability of every friendly monster by +1. Here's the lineup after the abilities of both my and the opponent's abilities were increased by both of our summoners:

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You can see the difference here, right? Now, let's explain my reasons for putting each card in its specific position.

  • As you can see that I used the Chaos Knight in the first position. The main reason behind using this monster is it costs less mana compared to other strong monsters that can hold the first position. Most of them cost 8-10mana caps while this monster costs only 6 to use it. The speciality of this monster is it has the "SHIELD" ability including 3 shields. Even though it has a little amount of life and can't stand longer against magi attacks. But, this can stand like a metal wall against any melee and ranged attacks. It also has 2 melees attacking abilities and 2 attacking speeds which are considered good too.


  • Then in the second position, I used the Luminous Eagle. This monster is a melee-attacking monster with a special ability named "REACH". This ability helps this monster to attack the first monster of the enemy lineup with its melee attacking ability while standing in the second position. This monster is my favourite monster that has the REACH ability. I've been using it since the beginning. It costs 5 mana caps to use in battle. And the most important thing about this monster is not its "reach" ability. It's another ability that this monster has named "FLYING". This ability helps this monster to dodge melee and ranged attacks. So, if in any case the first monster dies and it comes up in the front, it can dodge most of the attacks and hold the lineup for a little longer. That's not the end of it. This card has 3 attacking speeds which are quite fast and allow it to hit first and eliminate enemy monsters before they can attack if the situation is like the enemy monster is in its last health. It also has 2 melees attacking ability which is good too. These are all the reasons why I use these monsters and why it's the perfect card to use in the 2nd position.

Luminous Eagle (1).png

  • In the third position, I used The Temporal Master. The theme card of this week's contest. I've already explained it. This card wasn't of any help in this battle because it was taken down by the Serpentine Spy from my opponent's monsters. But, surely does good in other battles. But, the OPPORTUNITY ability of that Serpentine Spy was the main problem.

Temporal Master.png

Pelacor Arbalest

  • Then I used the Pelacor Arbalest. This monster is just amazing. It becomes more powerful if used with General Salon, the same one I used in this one. The reason behind my using this monster is the "DOUBLE STRIKE" ability. This ability helps this monster to attack twice at the same time. This monster has 2 ranged attacking abilities. Meaning it can damage 4 but with the help of the summoner, it can now provide damage of 3+3=6. This card was the main reason behind my winning this battle but it was also eliminated by the Serpentine Spy. Even though this monster costs 6 mana caps to use, I think it's worth it. You may also ask as a ranged attacking monster it was supposed to be used in the end. Then why did I use it in the middle of the lineup? It was because of the low life level of this card. I did it to protect it from monsters with SNEAK attacking ability.

Pelacor Arbalest.png

Stitch Leech

  • Then I used the Stitch Leech. This monster only costs 3 mana caps to use in battle yet it has 2 melees attacking speeds including the SNEAK attacking ability. I don't see any reason why shouldn't I use it.

Stitch Leech (1).png


  • Then at the end of my lineup, I used a Ranged attacking monster named Herbalist. This monster costs only 2 mana caps to use in battles and has 1 ranged attacking ability. But, thanks to my summoner, it now has 2 attacking abilities which is pretty great for a monster that costs only 2 mana caps to use.

Herbalist (1).png

My strategy was to hold the attacks and then use my inner monster with its amazing ability to crush the enemies. It worked just perfectly. Even though my Temporal Master dies before doing anything. The Pelacor Arbalest did the job and I was able to win the battle.

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  • I hope you liked my post and battle strategy. I tried to bring up the main facts of my whole battle in this battle report of mine. Those of us who play the game, know how things work. So, we will understand what actually happened in the battle from these main facts. And as for those of you who don't know about the game, this will increase the curiosity of the newcomers and you'll find it amazing to see the match live by visiting the battle link I included before. I'd like you to join splinterlands, you can use my referral link to join and please follow me on Twitter.

My referral link to splinterlands:

After visiting the link you'll be able to see everything for yourself in the game and do your research. You'll then need to purchase the spellbook to create an account and play the game.


Link to the contest:

You can see the contest announcement post from this link and visit @splinterlands's profile to see their other contests.


You can also take participation in the social media contest of splinterlands by creating a post about splinterlands and sharing it on your social media accounts. I'm participating in this one too and here's the link to that contest:


My Twitter profile:


Will see you soon with something new or another exciting battle to share with you all.

Thank You

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