Single Prompt Option - The Weekend Freewrite - 5/21/2022


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Continuation from past entries

Prompt : Heavy

A flame shot out near her hand, and she jerked back quickly out of reach. She was merely being superstitious, for the surface of the star was cold to the touch, and the flames were of no danger. Derek turned back to the star, his knees sinking further into the ground as he let his weight sag.
It had been over a year since his wife had gotten sick. At first, they had thought it was nothing. A slight cough, a heavy rash from some ivy. After a few months, his wife had continued to show signs of getting worse, not of getting better. Derek remembered the way the doctor had tried to be polite around his wife, telling her that things would get better. But the first moment the doctor had been alone with Derek, he had told Derek that there was no hope for her, and to enjoy her time while it lasted. That she had gotten some type of infection in her lungs, and soon it would spread to her heart.

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