City of Fire #4

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Continuation from - @darthsauron/city-of-fire-3

Two years prior, Marcus had been commissioned by King Stellan to become the royal blacksmith. This was a skill that had been passed down from one generation to the next in Marcus’ family. He had simply preferred living on his own and being a woodsman once he grew into manhood. He loved the solitude of the woods, its creatures and beautiful surroundings.

He had never been much of a social person, so having Alais in his life had helped him become a bit more outgoing. He admired Alais’ ease at talking with anyone. The boy was stalwart and always walked proudly. As Marcus observed this through the passing years, he often said to himself, “That is something I did not teach him. His bearing is something he carries from the blood of his true parents.” He somehow felt that the lad was destined for great things.

When the king’s messenger had ridden up to their humble cabin two years ago, Marcus had looked up from his wood chopping with a slight bit of interest, but Alais had eagerly run to the knight’s side, acting every inch the capable squire, holding the horse as the man made his dismount.

“Thank you, boy,” the knight said as he patted Alais’ shoulder. “How old are you know, about sixteen?” he asked.

Alais smiled. He was tall for his age, and always enjoyed it when people thought him to be older than he was. “Nay, sir knight, I’ve seen only twelve summers, but will be 13 next week. I dare say I am as strong as any sixteen year old in these parts, though.” He spoke not boastfully, but just with knowledge that what he said was true. He had proven himself more than once in scuffles with the older boys who lived nearby.

The knight could sense the boy was not prideful, merely truthful. “Good for you!” he laughed, and then continued towards Marcus, who was now standing up at his full height, towering several inches about the knight. Marcus wiped his brow before holding out his hand in welcome. The men clasped forearms, as was the custom, “Welcome to our humble abode,” he said graciously. “Alais, fetch the knight a cup of water, son.”

The boy nodded and eagerly ran to the well to quickly draw up a cup of the sweet water. He presented it to the knight, who drank it gratefully before getting down to business. He reached into the purple pouch at his side, which displayed the king’s seal. From it, he withdrew a parchment paper which he unrolled, preparing to read from it.

Marcus sighed slightly, knowing he was about to be pressed into some type of service for the royal family. He had lived such a peaceful life for many years, and wasn’t looking forward to a change, but this was something beyond his control. Alais watched with shining eyes, fascinated by knights, their chivalry and strength. He was all ears as the knight presented his message.

Let our children not grow up in a terrible world. Together we can make it better. It is our destiny to
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
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