The right tools to work better

What a pleasure to greet you on my favorite Saturdays, this time I emphasize work, small tips to make our days more fruitful, to all those who in addition to bloggers have jobs outside the platform and to those who do not, take notes, it will surely be very Useful.

. Start the day with encouragement

As working adults we have adopted the habit of getting up early, particularly at 6am I am active, and as they say the one who gets up early, God helps him, certainly, but it is difficult to put into practice, sometimes we are tired or want to get up late, but it is advisable to wake up with spirits, be active and have confidence in our effectiveness.

. Plan your activities

Over time I learned to plan and organize each of my tasks in my work area, as you know I work 8 hours a day and that includes certain activities in addition to printing bags. As a result of the fact that I had to take inventory, communicate with the suppliers of paintings and other materials as I organize my days to give them priority, mainly because I cannot cover everything in one day. Hence the importance of creating a weekly agenda with the things you must do.

. Go for the most difficult tasks first.

I have always applied it, I like to face the challenges first, to put as much enthusiasm as possible, since complexities always absorb your time, energy and require more attention. It is advisable to prioritize and face the most difficult thing as soon as possible.

. One thing at a time

A big mistake that in all work activities and even in our daily lives is to want to do a thousand things at the same time, to cover this and that, personally it happened to me and it was a great teaching for me, because I had the Call of attention from my boss, I got involved in taking out two bags of different designs at the same time, I did not finish either one or the other and it incurred expenses.
That instructed me to focus on one task at a time, and my best advice is to focus on solving an activity, avoiding distractions.

Rest in your free time

Within work or any daily activity there should be a break, it is appropriate to recover energy, drink water, coffee, sit down, the ideal thing is not to over demand, in the long run we are not automatic machines and our body is the temple to be preserved.

. The importance of saying no

Our day is full of innumerable situations, circumstances, and sometimes we are so busy, focused that we remember we must do someone a favor and this is synonymous with that we must waste that time because we did not know how to handle a refusal. It costs a lot, but I learned to do it since all this, not counting the fact that all unnecessary tasks are neither paid for nor appreciated, for the most part it is like this.

. Keep the order of your space

Your workspace is like your second home, it is where you spend most of your time, so it is nice to have everything in its place, your writing materials (pen, pencils, markers, staples ... ), your folders, computer, the contents of your desktop, all those elements create harmony, in general I hate clutter, it creates inconsistency and little energy.

The sole purpose of working in an orderly space is to facilitate your performance and stimulate your creativity.

. Need for cell phone.

Communication technologies encompassing all email and social media tools are a daily part of our life, they are very useful but in their use is the detail, let's learn to put it aside when we are busy and giving objectivity to the activities we have in hand . Distractions are a double-edged sword.

. Learn to delegate functions

Starting in my work area, 50% of everything that had to be done, I took it, held great responsibilities and with the months that is exhausting, I reached a point that my partner and I could not give more and We delegated functions to two more colleagues, at first it was difficult for me because of the issue that nobody does what you do, but today I no longer worry. Each one has the capacities to assume responsibilities.....

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