🎨Splinterlands Art Contest🎨Week 261: XING PORCELAIN PALM


I'm ending my night here with my new artistic proposal for the @splinterlands drawing contest, in this case one with a real background story that inspired me to create XING PORCELAIN PALM


I really liked this work that I bring you today, both the process and the preparation, the idea behind which I will comment on below.

How was the idea born?

This idea was born when seeing a chubby little monkey without an arm that became famous on social networks, she is in China and is cared for by an old nun from a temple in that country, the little monkey is called xing xing and from there the idea was born. idea, as you will see I used the concept of a warrior monk who is missing an arm and replaced it with a Chinese porcelain arm, all of that is thought of in that little monkey

What are the powers and characteristics?

Now it is time to indicate what powers or abilities she possesses, this is a powerful warrior with arcane knowledge of ancient temples where martial arts, justice, peace and measured power are part of a dogma

  • Has the ability to create magical clones that think separately, causing the enemy to be deceived.

  • She possesses arcane knowledge that she can use in battle or outside of battle to fight or heal, some abilities make her invulnerable for defined periods of time.

  • His magical procession arm can change into different shapes and weapons, making it become an extendable arm, a shield, a cannon, a giant hammer and anything else he has in mind that can help him fight.

  • Thanks to meditation he managed to understand the cosmos and this made his life long and full.

These were some of his skills and now it is time to bring the creation process











and well friends of this great community of #alienarthive it is time to put an end to this post with my new creative proposal for #splinterlands I hope you like it, see you next Sunday or next week with my new proposal, until next time


INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/damoclesart92/
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