It looks like I found some Agaricaceae mushrooms

An amazing thing happened to me today... I stumble upon a group of fungi as I was walking towards home.

It looks like I found a type of wood mushroom. Well, I'm not sure whether it's a wood mushroom because it doesn't seem to have the bulging head. These ones look like pancakes that has a trunk. It's quite confusing to determine the type and name of these mushrooms that grew randomly on the side of the street. They appear similar with a wood mushroom but upon inspecting the other features from a different angle... the resemblance differs.

My other guess is that these are a type of Agaricaceae mushrooms. According to a quick Google search, there are types of Agaricaceae mushrooms that are edible while there are some that are not edible. I guess, these ones that I found are the poisonous ones. I'm judging it based on its appearance and color, they seem quite different to the ones that I see in groceries.

It may not be the best find I had in a while however, I still enjoy taking the photos of these beauty.

It was gloomy when I was taking the photos which is why the image appear dark. I think the weather goes well with the photo effect that I was going for. I think it turned out okay because the contrast of the white mushrooms and the dark green grass is more than enough to create these nice phone shots.

Technology has been beneficial to our daily life. A phone has more than one use compared to when it was first released. Before, it's only capable of sending messages and calling other people. Nowadays, it has the capability of being useful to such extent that it's the only gadget that we need in our life.

One of which is sharing some interesting that happened to our day... just like this one when I found these interesting mushrooms!

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