Universality of Hive

I use another account for my non-crypto musings. In that account, I join a different region based community and post there regularly. Mostly pictures I took for remembering how the day went. This region-based community too share what happens in their surroundings.

Lately, I started to really enjoy speaking to different audiences through the different communities.

With Leo Finance community folks, we talk crypto. With the other community, we talk about how life went. The latter is closer to life than the former, in my opinion.

It is also through the latter that I realise how widespread and universal Hive is, in terms of its adoption by different people around the world. From young children to adults, students to professors in different areas, we have people in different walks of life contributing to Hive, I dare say.

I then look around for people physically close to me who are in Hive. Hardly any, even though I know anyone can use Hive and benefit from it. For example, the other day I read about a farmer in a developing nation blogging about his plantation life. He has more followers than me. :)

Then something came to my mind. That means in due course, more people could join the Hive movement and strengthen Hive, I reckoned. My reason is very simple: there is someone I actually know in real life who is similar to someone I saw on Hive. Once that person in my real life sees the benefit of Hive, he/she will likely come onboard.

This will be how mass adoption looks like.

And we are still early.

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