Uniquely Blockchain: The whole community does well when you do well.

"The whole community does well when you do well."

I came across that when browsing this blog.

The blockchain space is actually in its stage of wooing massive adoption. That means, more money needs to come into this space. As more money comes in, projects can be better supported, and only then will future growth be fueled.

To each his (or her) own. Some people may invest in bitcoin, some Ethereum, and others some alternative coins or tokens. That does not really matter. What matters is that we continue to have more adoption from the uninitiated, because things can only work out well through new injected investments in the space. If the inflow of fresh money stagnates, ultimately every project suffers.

Take the smart contract platform gas fee situation as an example. If there is only Ethereum, the high gas fee problem will definitely turn many users away as they see blockchain network with unplanned exorbitant gas fees as a failed proposition and that would certainly limit growth in innovations. Fortunately, there are faster and cheaper smart contract platforms around to offer blockchain solutions to facilitate wider usage while ETH 2.0 is under development.

This competition from the other smart contract platform also forces Ethereum to innovate and grow, increasing more use cases. At the same time, the smaller projects which continue to innovate and offer new services would also draw in a new crowd, and their investment.

Overall, the industry will grow then over time.

When projects in the blockchain space do well in innovation, it sends a powerful collective message to the uninitiated: this is a revolution that you cannot ignore!

The whole community does well when each and every project does well.

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