Running into errors with LeoFinance site when posting through it

I am facing some trouble when using the site when posting my last few posts. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing similar issues at the moment and if there is any remedy?

After doing the usual post drafting and finalizing the settings, I clicked on Publish.

It didn't work like the usual, but instead the following error occurs.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 10.45.35 PM.png

When I checked my draft, this is what I see.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 10.49.53 PM.png

Strangely, I started to receive upvotes despite this error, so I know it has been successfully posted.

Things really seem normal, except that my recent posts are not showing on the Blog tab like they do in the past.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 10.59.49 PM.png

On the other hand, things work as they are in @cryptothesis/posts.

Am I the only one facing this issue?

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