Move aside Metaverse, Enter Megaverse: Gamestate IDO just started!

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I thought there was a typo when I read Megaverse.

Metaverse has been a recent buzzword due to Facebook's involvement in this space. But here is Megaverse.

A new project called Gamestate just started its IDO, and as Hive users, it's just a few clicks away to get some of its $STATE tokens if you have liquid Hive to spare. It is available on the Hive-Engine exchange at $0.002284 per token (as SWAP.STATE) at the time of writing.

Screenshot 2021-11-28 at 5.02.34 AM.png

This is what they claim to be building towards:

Gamestate is a a cross-chain, multi-world megaverse nexus, uniting gamers, fans, developers, creators, and merchants in a place of fun, discovery, and learning. Gamestate offers sales channels for games, apps, advertising, gaming equipment, music, media, and general merchandise, as well as a Rocket Launchpad accelerator for indie game startups.

Unified profiles solve the problem of fragmented gaming accounts and achievements; allowing gamers to create and import their existing game profiles and leaderboard ranks, collated into a single portable, immutable, privacy-centric, achievements-based blockchain digital identity profile for the ultimate in flexing and bragging rights!

Gamestate has some partnerships with Splinterlands, Hive-Engine, among others according to their earlier post.

Pretty ambitious and would be interesting to see how things develop.

P/S: Do your own due diligence before any investment. This is not financial advice.

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