Investing in tokens that the masses can actually use beats investing in tokens meant for corporations.

The hypothesis is: **Since it takes a longer time for corporates and organizations to adopt crypto assets, the initial huge growth must come with tokens and projects the normal folks and masses use.

Corporations usually have many layers of decision-making for technology adoption and purchasing protocol. Typically, they will take serious meetings after meetings before deciding to adopt. Likely, only when the corporations see convincing valid use cases.

By that time, the token might have already become pretty expensive with limited upside, assuming that the nimble early-adopting retailers had bought a lot of them. Yes, the corporations might be pushing up the price higher with their huge adoption, but they also have a way of pushing down the price if they wanted. If anything, we should recall how whale manipulation of the bitcoin price frequently brought the price down for them to buy in.

So, with the range of crypto projects now available (and my limited funds). It is perhaps possibly more profitable to invest in tokens that the common man/woman can actually use rather than investing in tokens with use cases meant for corporations. That way, we are the early adopters, and just wait for the price to moon when corporates come in.

Take the HIVE token, for example. If businesses were to buy it to facilitate their business operations in the future (or even now as they make a new game on this blockchain), the HIVE token is needed. Since we see the adoption potential of this token in the future, and this token also has great use cases now for us as normal dudes, it makes sense to be long in this project.

Even if corporate adoption never comes, retail adoption and increasing use cases for the masses augurs well for its future price.

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