Hello Hive! ~ Very Glad to be Here ~ an introductory post

Image by Harmony Lawrence from Pixabay

Hello all you wonderful Hiveans out there in Hive land!

This is my first introductory post. It's a pleasure to e-meet you, I'm very glad to be here.

I Find the Hive Story Fascinating!

I'm pretty new to Hive, only a couple months now, and I find the entire Hive story fascinating. Not just the blockchain part, but the community part. I've been around cryptography, databases, and networking for a very long time... that kinda stuff is almost like a second nature to me.

But what I find so fascinating about Hive... is the community of people from all over the world that literally banded together to 'fork' something that was under siege, into something completely new with a whole new life of its own.

That's amazing.

That story is going to make a great movie one day, and in my mind it's as epic and legendary as the stories of Merlin, King Arthur, Excalibur, and the like.

I love epic stories like that, and to see something like it all taking place right in front of you, in the here and now, seems like an amazing gift.

That there is an opportunity to get involved so openly, in something so legendary, at such an early time in its development... is simply like 3x jaw dropping amazing... a trinity of opportunity that is just brilliantly fascinating.

Because That's How Real Beneficial Change Happens

What's so fascinating about it all... is... that is how real beneficial change actually happens.

I've been around long enough, half a century now, and have both been a part of, and subject to, the many processes of change. Getting old, by the way, is not for 'faint of heart'! (that's supposed to be funny lol). But I'm still very much a kid at heart.

I find it absolutely amazing, fascinating, and mesmerizing, how real lasting beneficial change happens, and the differences between that kind of change, and what I call 'flash bang' change.

The natural flow of evolution, while it takes lots more time than 'flash bang' change, tends to be more positive, beneficial, or simply 'better adapted' to changing environments.

In short, that kind of change is awesome. Flash bang change, as I call it, can really blow things up and be kinda dangerous in the process. That's the kind of change that you just have to 'deal' with and hope makes you stronger instead of killing you.

But the process of something new being born from something older... that still keeps some of the characteristics from the old, the ones that work best in the 'new' environment... When something like that is born, it is really magical.

All the research and learning I've done over the last couple of months makes me see that Hive is like that. That kind of new thing tends to be better suited to up-and-coming environments with it's adapted characteristics. The world is changing, so much will be different in the coming world. That can sometimes be scary.

But evolution is an amazing form of change, and in my experience it's rare to see man made things follow natural forms of evolution... especially these days.

The 'Evolution' of Things

The one thing in the universe that we can all count on is change, and evolution seems like the perfect 'match' to that constant that allows for infinite expansion at a seemingly perfect ratio. It makes life itself 'living'.

Maybe that's a little deep for an introductory post, but that's kinda why I chose to make Hive a sort of home; Why I am even here posting this.

Hive is fundamentally different than most other blockchain stuff out there. Not just different, but 'fundamentally', 'foundationaly', different. That's exciting to me because it's not 'revolutionary' like so many other blockchains want to be... it's evolutionary, the way real beneficial change happens.

In my day, we called that 'the real deal'

Like many people, I first found Hive through Splinterlands. I played Magic the Gathering back in it's very early days and love collectable card games. Splinterlands caught my eye while I was researching use cases for NFT's (non fungible tokens). I was very pleasantly surprised to discover the story of Hive underneath it all.

The Spirit of a Thing

While I really like all the other blockchain stuff out there, from Bitcoin to Ethereum, and all the other projects... As I mentioned, and you may likely already know, Hive is fundamentally different.

I plan to write up a bunch of stuff explaining those differences for folks that might not know, and why they are important... but the fundamental difference of Hive, that makes all the difference, is its 'spirit'.

That might sound corny or sentimental to some folks, but to me it's more about 'intention', the reason something came about in the first place, and the reason it continues to exist.

There is a HUGE difference between something 'made to be sold' and something 'made to be used'. Something that's made to be 'sold' is a product. Something that's made to be 'used' is a tool. The difference between those two things is profound.

Drawn to Epic, Like a Moth to Flame

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

So, that's a little bit about why I am here, and hopefully it tells you a little about me too and serves as a serviceable, if not proper, introduction. I am drawn to 'epic' like a moth is to flame. I went a little toward the 'deep' end. I tend to do that, it just sorta happens ;).

I hope to meet lots of interesting and awesome people here on Hive, build some new friendships, learn more and more and more, and contribute as much as I can.

So, until next time, I will leave you with an age old Gaelic blessing, an old favorite of mine. I do not know the original source, but I heard it from an old man dressed up as a big old tree at a renaissance fair. (Really, he was dressed up like a big huge magical tree!) I never learned his name, but at the time I was just a boy of 10, and it was magical to me. It has stuck with me now for nearly half a century and, to me at least, is just as magical as it was then.

May the blessing of light be on you,
Light from without and light from within.
May the sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire,
that stranger and friend may come and warm together at it.
And may light shine out of the two eyes of you,
like a candle set in the window of a house,
as invitation to the weary wanderer, come in out of the storm.
And may the blessing of the rain be on you,
may it beat upon your Spirit and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there a shining pool where the blue of Heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.
And may the blessing of the earth be on you,
soft under your feet as you pass along the roads,
soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day;
and may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it.
And now may the Lord bless you, and bless you kindly.
And so say we all, Amen

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