The Rugby World's Reaction


So the series Chasing The Sun 2 is finally getting into the hands of the international rugby players around the world after the series finished airing in South Africa last month. What was evident amongst the international players is they underestimated South Africa's ability thinking they were one dimensional.

I have mentioned this before when reviewing the series is that there is nothing off limits and why it is the best sporting documentary out there. What amazed me is no one paid attention to the first series when SA won the World Cup back in 2019 and saw the interactive television game that all 15 players on the field play together. Winning back to back World Cups the rest of the world will be copying so much going forward.

The players agreed that this was no fluke and that the SA team was so well prepared mentally and physically they had an edge other tams did not have. The players look at Rassie Erasmus like a father figure and respect what he has to say. When he calls out two of the senior players to sort out their differences through talking by being locked in a room together highlights the details of knowing your players. Other teams don't do this and just avoid this type of confrontation as though it doesn't exist.

We see things like when Ireland tell the Springbok players after their match that they will see them in the final. This is showing either super confidence or arrogance and this shocked he SA team. Winning a tournament is taking it one game at a time and you never look that far ahead with a quarter final and semi final still to play. Ireland has a lot to learn and reminds me of England back in 2019 who thought they just needed to turn up to win. The fans and the players believed what they read in the press and this having press days is a weakness leading up to such a big match.

The SA team was managed different mentally and at no point was the final discussed until they had qualified. Players were kept in check by the father figure Rassie Erasmus pointing out their best was not good enough. They could all do so much better and still had to prove themselves which I can guarantee you was not happening in the other team meetings.

The open discussions around team selection letting the players know they had missed out on possibly the biggest game of their careers. Other teams the players would obviously be upset being told in this way, but they were tasked with being the best team mates by helping in training playing the role of the opposition.

Tactically the other teams are definitely missing out because they openly admit a lot of what South Africa does they do not do. South Africa had open training grounds meaning they had to improvise inside the hotel so certain moves would remain secret away from the spying press.

I think the biggest compliment that can be taken away from this series is that the players who have watched the series so far have been blown away and after seeing it were not shocked SA went on to lift the trophy.

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