Gathering Information During The Pump

Last night whilst the Hive pump was happening I was looking around for any bits of information that could help us next time around. I did feel like a tourist as this does not happen often and needed to act quickly. This guy knows what's up called this 2 days earlier on twitter and was nearly spot on. Not your normal Hive shilling calling for $1 dollar and to the moon lol. I don't think he is from Hive as today he tweeted.

I am following him as he seems an interesting character and one of the first outsiders (possibly) who is at least spotting Hive. The 3 spikes he was talking about were not clear on his tweet so I pulled up the Binance chart and there they were just before the end of July and another one just at the beginning of September. This one was obviously the first week of October so any bets for the end of this month? What I did notice this morning was the volume was not heavy that caused the initial price surge past $1 and only then did the volume come in taking Hive to $1.57. We have visited over the night between $1.20 and $1.40 fairly frequently and there cannot be much resistance left at those levels. This won't take much to get the price to another ATH as everything has been primed and greased for the next run.


What was noticeable looking around was the Leodex or tribal wallets as they were feeling the impact of the surge and went up exactly at the same percentage as Hive. Leo was matching the 126% increase in value before people sold affecting the gains. Some were smart enough to pick up on this selling at 37c and possibly buying back on Leodex with a 50% swing from buying and selling.

The Hive wallet more than doubled in value obviously along with the Leodex wallet with everything backed by Hive I suppose that this should be obvious.

Crypto Bubbles featured hive for the first time of me noticing it which was neat to see as this is obviously a rare sighting for us.


Look I still had to go and look for the top 100-200 coins by market cap to see this but still it is great we featured. Now we need to hit the top 100 and knock the silly Meme coins out the way.


As you can see some thought went into this running around checking what the effect was and if we can somehow take advantage of what was happening. What is that saying knowledge is power or something to that effect anyway. Hive made it to number 8 out of 3079 crypto coins which is pretty decent considering bloody Shiba was at number 1. The time was not great being around 2.45 am in the morning for me and anyone in Europe.

Th info from the exchanges I didn't have to worry about as somebody else beat me to that part namely @taskmaster4450le with a decent summary showing where the pump volume came from being Korea.

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