Are We Rich Yet?


Yeah Right! If you believe that then you are truly desperate.

I am rich was tending on twitter this morning and I was trying to make head or tail what it was about as this is just a sign of how desperate people are. When you have nothing you are always hunting for the impossible dream and why you miss all the opportunities right under your nose.

Bad luck or bad choices or whatever you want to call it as we are all dealt the same cards when we are born and it is what we do with them. I can think of countless opportunities I have missed thus far that would most likely have been life changing and that is how life works. Looking forward and not back is how we have to handle these hiccups and be wide awake for the next opportunity that comes as they always will.

These days I am not openly looking like I used to be due to being comfortable where I am. There is no need to hustle and bustle like so many are with 99% never going to achieve anything substantial in life. When you are desperate the chances of things improving financially are virtually non existent due to the way you are thinking. Your judgement is clouded and thinking rationally is not something that will just happen.

The best thing I ever did was find Hive and crypto back in March 2018 as it has changed my perspective on life. The idea with regarding building wealth over time is what has changed and the path I have now taken. In the real world building wealth is easier said than done due to living from paycheck to paycheck leaving very little chance of massing any type of fortune.

Online in the crypto world it is clear to see how over time wealth can be accumulated and this only becomes apparent once you have learned how the crypto cycle works. With growth and accumulation happening each day there is no real urgency or desperation due to the fact you have more than you had yesterday. This may not be necessarily worth more dollar wise due to the volatility, but you have more stake which will ultimately be worth far more in the future.

When you have been in crypto for some time you just know what you are doing is the right thing and are comfortable with what is being built. When you know you know and this is so true as there is no stress involved and only requires patience. The wealth is already in the portfolio and it will be life changing as long as you have accumulated enough. This is not luck as this has been a long journey that has been tough and why it is so rewarding when you can see the results.

The "I am rich" will happen for those in crypto who have been building their portfolios over the last few years and is by no means guaranteed, but increases the odds in your favor. Maybe not rich financially, but most definitely comfortable with out the worries others experience monthly. Succeeding in crypto takes time and the longer you grind away the better the odds are in your favor which is what we have all learned to do.

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