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Moms are super beings, and they give so much selflessly; they always have our backs no matter what. Mothers will literally go any mile to provide for their children and to make them happy. They deserve to be celebrated as much as possible. Sometimes I wonder how they do it, but I guess I will get to know when I become one. Since the time I learned to call someone my mom, the memories have been wholesome, and picking a favorite one is close to impossible.

I have many memories of my mom that I cherish so much, and I am still looking forward to making more with her. For this post, I will be talking about random memories of her that pop into my head.

I still remember clearly, despite the fact that I was very young then, how my mom and I would go to this bookstore to buy every single book I would need for the next term. I always liked the smell of new books, or, let's say, new things in general. I was always grateful because she did it every term, and my brother and I never felt left out among our peers. My mom and I would wrap the books with old calendar papers we were not using anymore so as to keep the books clean for a long time. I always enjoyed doing that with her and then decorating the books with my name after. I can't really describe the kind of joy I used to feel, but it was so real🙈.

There was this time in my life where I had to undergo surgery. I have mentioned it on Hive a couple of times. My mom stood by me firmly and made sure I got all the treatment I needed. She made sure I didn't stress myself one bit after the surgery—she even bathed me😂😊.


There was also this day I was going out with my mom, and we stopped by at her old tailor's shop. Before we left home, I was feeling weak, but I thought I would be fine. We left the tailor's shop to go to our next destination, and a few steps away from the shop, I told my mom to stop walking because I was feeling a certain way. She was so scared, asking me what was wrong, but I told her I just needed a minute to gather myself together. Before I knew it, I was already going down, and my mom's calling sounded so faint and distant. Yeah, I was fainting, and that was the first time😂.

My mom was already shouting, calling people to help her, and all that; it was very dramatic😂. It was later I knew about this, but this woman ran to an unknown shop to collect coke and didn't even remember to give them money, she just rushed back to me. I guess those ones also understood what was going on, so she went back when the storm was over. They slapped me back to consciousness, and I threw up immediately. This isn't a good memory per se, but the way she cared that day? I really appreciated and cherished it, and I still do. I can't imagine what would have happened if I was by myself that day or anywhere else.

My mom is an amazing and hardworking woman, and she deserves all the best things that life could ever offer. May she get to reap all the fruits of her labor in good health, and this goes for every amazing mom out there.

Thanks for reading❤️

All Images Are Mine And Thumbnail Was Created Using Canva

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