My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2024

Unfortunately the app crashed today, I only noticed it after a while. The count was hampered, but it was already reaching almost 9 thousand so it took little effort to complete the day's goal.

I was very disappointed with the rewards I opened today as they were very low. I still continue to accumulate my Actifit tokens and I intend to increase them more and more.

I prepared a Mexican dinner, using this ready-made pasta that just needs to be heated in the pan. So burritos came out and I was able to rest after a turbulent day at work.

Tuesday promises to be turbulent, so it's best to rest and wait until the next training session on Wednesday, so you can get your head straight.

Infelizmente o aplicativo travou hoje, só percebi depois de um tempo. A contagem ficou prejudicada, mas já estava marcando quase 9 mil então foi preciso pouco esforço para completar a meta do dia.

Fiquei muito decepcionado com as recompensas que abri hoje, pois foram muito baixas. Ainda simsigo acumulando meus tokens Actifit e pretendo aumentar cada vez mais.

Preparei um jantar mexicano, usando essa massa pronta que só precisa ser aquecida na frigideira. Assim saíram burritos e pude descansar depois de um dia turbulento de trabalho.

A terça-feira promete ser turbulenta, então é melhor descansar e aguardar até o próximo treino na quarta, para poder colocar a cabeça no lugar.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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