AI is the Future

As of today a lot of people think that their job is going or will go because of AI. Though it's not entirely true but even if we think it's true we have to consider that AI is the future. AI is artificial engineering where computer or machine will be doing most of the work instead of the human.


Let's take an example, previously when a movie requires a shot from aerial there used to be a helicopter and a cameraman on it. Now the same task is being done by a drone. But a drone has to be operated by a man. So we consider 2 man's job is being replaced by a machine and only one person is required. This is what the AI is going to do in the future.

All the people who are doing repetitive work will be replaced by a machine but there will be new job created to operate that machine. And thus though there will be job cuts because of AI there will be more and more jobs will be created because of AI. So yeah AI will be the future and people who will create the skill based on that will be in high demand.

For example, if we take a school teacher into example. They can be easily replaced by a AI robot who know everything about the subject. It can teach, answer questions and can simplify according to the students demand. But again there will be people required to fed any new information to that teacher robot. I know it's a long way to go but if we have to be prepared for the future we have to start now.

So if you are looking for a career in the future then you should start looking at the AI. You don't have to master everything today but if you know the basics then it's a great start.

This is my participation post for Initiative: May Inleo Monthly Prompt.
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