my favorite season

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. This is another amazing edition of #indiaunited. We are talking about our favourite seasons.



Since I was born, there have been only two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. These two seasons are very important to us humans. The two seasons have their advantages and disadvantages. The importance of the two seasons cannot be overemphasised. We can’t exist without them; we need them for our lives to be balanced. Mind you, these two seasons have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to choice, our choices are different because we are humans. I feel so happy writing about my favourite season. I grew up in a neighbourhood where there are many children. Whenever there is a downpour, every kid will come together to play in the rain. This exercise brings us together and makes our relationship very strong.

I can remember back then that whenever there was a downpour, you would see me dancing and rejoicing, because that meant I would not go to school that day and would be at home to play with my toys. This really made me fall in love with the rainy season. Whenever the rainy season comes to an end, I am always moody because there is no excuse why I miss school. My favourite season is the rainy season.



The main reason why I love this season is that the weather is always cool and the air is amazing. I love seeing the cloudy weather. My skin will always glow, but unlike the sunny season, it is always harsh on me.

I can remember back then some kids would be singing for the rain to go away. I never sang that song for one's sake because if the rain did go away, I would not enjoy my play. I already pray for downpours every day.

I am this kind of person who always feels hot. I hate sweating, which is why I always carry around my hand fan everywhere I go. Most times, my friends will think I don’t understand your body system. The rainy season is the only period that makes me feel good. I don’t need to be going around with a hand fan because the weather is already cool for me. I don’t have to sweat like a Christmas goat on the road. I love it when the weather is very chill and cold.

Seeing the downpour really makes me feel good, especially when it is raining on a Monday morning. I am always happy if I have to take my time and prepare for work, which means I will be late for work if the rain stops late in the day, which means I will not be stepping out that day.



It is during the rainy season that farm products are produced.

The best time to see a movie is in the rainy season. You will enjoy the movie as the rain drops on top of the roof. The cold is always giving. This season is really amazing.

My favourite season is the rainy season. Which of the seasons is your favourite? Share your thoughts with me. Please correct me if need be.

This is my entry to the weekly prompt #indiaunited topic: What is your favourite season? Click below to participate in the prompt.

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