Quantum APE Mining - Only then will the bag grow.


APEMININGCLUB.com is very close to me, since I have been mining for a some years now.. Sure I still mine ETH and sometimes RAVENCOIN.. but there is nothing like purchasing or feeling like you are purchasing cloud mining.. even though even back than it wasn't real it still felt cool being able to mine* on the cloud..


Games website, you can connect with keychain

This brings back a sort of nostalgic feeling and with the mining equipment names such as Quantum computing it feels like I am in a multiverse of mining power like nothing before.

My goals for this game has been ramped and I feel like I need to put some more juice into this machine.. I have written about it before just in case you have no idea what I am talking about.

I bet you have heard of Ape Mining Club a handful of times if not more. Like most games on hive its best to DYOR but at the same time could* be an APE opportunity. I have spoken on it a couple of times and have been known to have my name up in the high ranks for some time.. the mechanics are defi 20.0 maybe?

Sure we have some airdrops coming.. trying to be in all projects in and around Hive is very exhausting so my mind has decided to only dedicate to a handful of projects and like my father always said if you are doing something make sure you don't half ASS it. so I must take emotion and replace it with conviction and dedication. "Only then will the bag grow."


I have now in my position 15 Quantum Computers, it's funny in a cosmic kind of way since these types of computers are far years ahead of us, We will get there some day, maybe with the help of MUSK.


We have arrived in the quantum realm

A quick recap of my mining equipment is a s follows, with my goals for this month.

Cpus Owned: 250 , Month end goal 500

Clouds Owned: 35, Month end goal 100

Gpus Owned: 65, Month end goal 100

Asics Owned: 75, Month end goal 150

Quantums Owned: 15, Month end goal 50

Maybe to optimisc but why not shoot for the highest peak you think you can achieve and then some.
Quantums are the way to the future and profits.. why? by owning Quantum Mining Equipment you are earning the big bucks~ 800 APE without boost of course.. that's a ton of ape man I thought I was up there check this out.. sneak peak. These are some big numbers and if you calculate the amount of APE and the current price of ape you'd be wanting to jump into this game as well. NFA..


With this type of power and the amount of APE one can earn from these hyper power CPU power, I feel like if we are to reach real VR we will need Quantum computing AI powered.

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