Health Insurance for 1099


Life as a gig driver is pretty sweet. Work hours are super flexible, the money is pimping! and business is steady with a nice workflow and profits galore. Still, the gig life comes with a few disadvantages, and a big one is not having access to a company healthcare plan.

Living in the USA with Health care being expensive as can be with little to no real help when needed.

As 1099 workers, us drivers often fall through the cracks when it comes to getting needed healthcare benefits. drivers can obtain great healthcare plans at affordable prices offered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

August 15, 2021 is the last day to apply, if your hours have been reduced and/or your income has declined as a result of the pandemic, you may qualify for a subsidy.

Look through your health care provider and or if you are a gig worker they should have information for you to apply.

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