Oat and blackberry Muffin

Hello food lovers!

At home we are on a wave of incorporating a little more fiber in our meals. In plant-based foods, there are many options to achieve this, so today, I want to share a delicious recipe for muffins with blackberries and oats.


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When autumn arrives the options to enjoy fresh fruit become a little limited but luckily some of them can be preserved by different methods, so we can consume them at this time.

Berries are my favorite for making jams, but I also freeze them to have them available for I want to make some desserts or snacks. Therefore my muffin I prepared with frozen blackberries.


This recipe has very few ingredients and is made in three easy steps, so if you have kids at home, you can prepare them with their help. This is a fun way to spend some family time.

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1 cup of wheat flour
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1/4 cup vegetable oil
4 tablespoons oat flakes
1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water

Yields 12 units

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Step 1

Place the frozen fruit, water and sugar in a blender. Blend well with small touches.


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Step 2

In a bowl, place the wheat flour, oatmeal and baking soda. Mix all the dry ingredients together.


Add the blended blackberries to the bowl containing the dry ingredients. Mix until the liquid is well incorporated. Finally add the vegetable oil to the mixture and incorporate it with wrapping movements.



The color this mixture acquires is wonderful and very provocative.

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Step 3

Pour small portions into a muffin tin and bake for 20 minutes at 180ºC.



If you wish, you can add some raisins or pieces of nuts to the mixture. I actually wanted to make them without any of these ingredients because I wanted to enjoy the full flavor of the blackberries in these muffins.

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The secret to making these muffins rise is going to lie in the effect of the acidity of the blackberry juice on the baking soda. This will cause a reaction that makes this ingredient incorporate bubbles into the mixture, and when baked, this makes for fluffy muffins.



The only thing left to do is to prepare a nice cup of chocolate or tea to appease the cold of this autumn season.



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If you like my recipe, you can leave me your comment.
Thanks for reading. See you in next post!

All images are property of the author
(Camera cell phone: POCO X3 Pro, Xiaomi)

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