Everybody Is Just Tired!!!

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So, as I mentioned the other day, our lectures have resumed and we’ve been taking lectures and practical classes for a while now. Many of us have resumed classes, but there are so many more of us who are yet to return to classes. For one reason or another, they are still away and being involved in whatever it is that is keeping them away from school.

I don’t know how long it will take before we get a full class again, hell, we might never get a full class until toward the end of the semester. At least by then we’d know for sure that many of them will be around.


There is so much we have to look forward to during this semester. Thankfully, we have fewer courses to study as we’re in our last lap of the journey. Still, it will be financially burdensome. We have projects to run and that would cost some good money. Then, there is also clearance that will come afterward, it will be the time to reconcile all my debt and everything I owe the school so that when the time to serve my country rolls around, I won’t be found wanting.

But then, there is no need to be ahead of myself, right? All in it’s time. I’ve thought about it and I’ve noticed that during this period, a lot of people are angry and tired. Many of them are just on the verge of giving up. It could be because we’re in our finals and as a result, it’s getting tougher just before it comes to an end. But then, it could also be because the country is in a messed up state at the moment and it has the ability to make everyone tired and angry.


I was in school yesterday and I didn’t see anybody playing football. Can you imagine that? It’s impossible for you to go to school on any given day and not see some group of boys playing football! That can’t happen at all! Well, I noticed it yesterday, and for some reason, I believe that today will be no different.

Everyone is not really feeling it. When you go to classes, everyone just wants to get their lectures, learn what they came to learn, and return home. They don’t have time to crack jokes or do other things anymore. Just focused on the books because that is as expensive as it is already. And these days, even smiling can cost you a lot of money.


So, when walking to school, all I saw were students clutching books and looking like they were in a hurry to go somewhere. Like a zombieverse or something. I know for sure now that I’m not the only one who just can’t wait to be done here so that I can breathe some other air and mingle with some other kind of people.

It is good to see that I’m not the only one who is tired of it all, it’s touching me just as it is touching every other person out there. As I mentioned, it could be the fact that it’s the last days, and it could also most definitely be the economic situation of the country. Either way, the toll is beginning to show in my school and I have to tell you, it’s not a good look at all. But then, I don’t think anyone is watching. Or anyone cares, actually.

I guess only time will tell.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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