Consistency Does pay!

Ylanite Koppens


Have you ever been juiced up about something? Like you had your hopes so high that you were absolutely sure nothing could go wrong about whatever it is you were embarking on? Obstacles may come, and afflictions may arise but they all bounced off you like you were made of titanium. Yes, I am talking about that kind of optimism. Have you experienced it before?

It can be quite exhilarating, some can even say it can be intoxicating because, in a way, you will get high on all that positive energy. You will be in a surreal place where nothing can go wrong and nothing can touch you. You’ll be invincible, you’ll be on top of the world.


There is something that such kind of optimism does to the human mind and psyche. Any problem that arises will not look like anything major at all, and you’ll feel like you can tackle it as easily as swatting off a fly. Yeah, it sure feels good.

I’m sure you are wondering why I am here talking like this on a beautiful Tuesday night like this, well I was inspired by the life of one of my friends. We are not that close, but his story is an inspiring one all the same. He is one person that I have seen struggling and hustling, and only now did he get his big break. And why? Because he was consistent and optimistic no matter what life threw at him.

Niko Twisty

This friend I am telling you about is a cobbler, he makes and designs footwear of all kinds and for both sexes. He is good, that is without a doubt, seeing as I am also his faithful customer. But then, what he was making from cobbling was not as much as he could have wished for.

First off, he needed to get to a better geographical area that would be more helpful in growing his business, but getting a spot in such a place would cost way more than an arm and a leg, and he just could not afford it. He had so many responsibilities that there was no way he could save up to meet up.


Since he could not get to a better place, he saw that he needed exposure. A way to show the world what he was doing. And for that, he turned to social media. He first of all started by making posts on Facebook, random posts that were loosely related to the footwear industry, he would work for clients and upload pictures of them, and then he would also get their testimonials and upload them as well.

It was slow progress, but it was progress all the same. His followership began to grow. Then he began to make videos as well, from tutorials to comedies, to just plain cruise. And he kept on doing his thing, growing his followers and getting more clients. By this time, people even from outside the state were already reaching out to him and employing his services. And of course, his price went up!

Andrea Piacquadio

Until one client came and softened everything for him. A footwear company in Aba, located in Abia State in Nigeria. The company is quite renowned and they get deals from overseas as well. I don’t really know the details of the contract they signed, but I do know he got an endorsement deal. When he makes videos for this company, promoting their products, he makes a boatload of money. And still, he continued to take jobs.

And guess what, his price has kept on going up. The more value he gets, the more valuable his services become.


As in, I can remember when this guy just started on social media, making posts and pushing his products, looking for clients. And now, the story is different. He has finally moved into a better place, he no longer considers it expensive. Levels have changed indeed.

Why am I saying this? This friend of mine went through a stage that would have been so easy to quit and give up. There is nothing quite as disheartening as putting yourself out there and getting just about zero feedback. It hurts. But then, through all that hurt and pain, he was still able to push through and keep striving, doing what he loved and being adamant about making a good life for himself out of it. And today, his story is serving as an inspiration to many others.

Jonas Svidras

So, my dear friends, no one knows tomorrow. That little thing that you’ve got doing, that thing you are doing to push yourself further into the eyes of the world, keep at it. The response you are getting now may not be encouraging, but as long as you focus on getting better and being consistent, I promise you that in the long run, you will definitely get that which you are looking for.

It is not easy, nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why you must be persistent in your quest for success. Remember, with optimism as your suit of armor, all the troubles and problems that you may face will just bounce off you. As they should.

Cottonbro Studio

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments section below, I would love to know what you are thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

Borderimage credit: @deimage.

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