Some personal reasons to be successful on Hive.

Though I would try starting the post with a pic to make you laugh at first glance.


But to be serious about it that is how we all, or most of us will end up. Maybe my grand children won't have that worry. Science may have immortality by then. From my reading they are getting closer all the time.

Story Time

So, why the title? What are my personal reasons I want to be successful on Hive.


I am at the age now that everyone around me, family anyway is getting older.

I went to visit my mother today. She will be turning 90 near the end of this month. She has had many health issues over the last few years.

She is now in a personal care home. She has her own room. She is trying to get use to it. Before that she was living half and half with her two daughters, my sisters.

My mother's younger sister died last week, and her sisters husband last month.

My wife decided to make her mother in law a lemon pie, my mothers favorite.

So on my lunch break today, that I extended by a half hour, I brought the pie down and visited my mom.

In her room was two new chairs, new to her. I asked where she got them. The chairs belonged to her sister and sisters husband. They had been in the same long term care home and when it came time to clean the room out for someone else they gave the chairs to my mother.

My mother in law lives with me and my wife and she will be 88 this year. You can watch her get more feeble and mind slowly going, each and every day.

All my regular readers know my wife's store. If you don't know, the short version is if she lives to June that will 9 years with cancer. A couple days ago was 7 month post any cancer treatment.

Hive Independence

I don't want to be in any of those situations above.

They all spent their lives in the "middle class". I would call myself on the poor side of middle class. Not complaining, I love my life, what I am doing.

But as I age, I want the ability to have some financial independence from the governments and family.

I don't want to be sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth ,going through life regrets. Or knitting, or doing jigsaw puzzles to pass time.

Hive fixes this. It can, it will, give me financial independence and it will keep my mind healthy. Reading, posting. All that great stuff.

I hope when I am 90, some of you will still be engaging me on Hive.

My future, with Hive, looks bright. Looks fulfilled.

I am alive and Thriving. In the past, the present, and the future.


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