Last HPUD of 2022: Taking my own advice


I've been looking forward to this HPUD (Hive Power Up Day) for quite some time now. Sure, it was just the other day that I wrote this post about changing my strategy on Hive, but it is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now.

To be fair, this wasn't as big of a power up as I had hoped. I had it in my head that I was going to power up something like 1000 Hive this round, but then the @brofund group decided to launch their LEGION (LGN) token this week and that kind of derailed my plans.

I don't feel too bad about it though. Even though I didn't power up, my funds are still staying on the Hive blockchain and in my opinion that is a good thing.

I remember a while ago I set a goal of hitting 50K Hive power by the end of the year. Barring a sudden December bull run, that clearly isn't going to happen. I blame the witnesses quite honestly. If they hadn't bumped that interest rate on HBD up to 20% I likely would have been moving all of my HBD into Hive Power instead of savings.

Of course the bear market didn't help at all either. Post rewards are a far cry from what they were last year. I know it's all relative, but it still feels like it is harder to grow your account when interaction and voting is in kind of a lull.

Now that I hit my long term goal of earning 100 HBD per month in interest (on months that have 31 days), I am starting to move more of my HBD into liquid Hive for powering up. I have to say the new market through HiveHub is quite nice an the ability to just swap directly is pretty awesome as well.

I have taken advantage of that service more than once over the past couple of weeks.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how much I actually powered up today. In the past I have only had maybe a dozen or so Hive liquid to power up. As you can see here, I powered up 300 Hive today. I am still chasing that 50K mark. Then eventually somewhere over 100K. It's funny how that first 10K seems to go kind of quickly and then everything after that is just a struggle.

Either way, I will be here pretty much every week day doing what I have been doing for the past five years or so. It's crazy to think I have been here that long and this is as far as I have gotten. What I need to remind myself is that it is a marathon not a sprint. The only way I can not achieve my goals is if I quit.

My hope is that this will be the first of many more "large" power ups in the coming months. I'm really excited to see what the next bull market brings whenever it pops up. I have some very specific ideas about how I am going to do things differently this time.

While I still feel that HPUD should be every day, congrats to all of you who made the effort to power up something a little extra today. If you stick with it, you won't be sorry!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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