China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-04-11



China’s consumer price rise slows in March, as policymakers struggle to jumpstart spending

"The consumer price index (CPI) last month edged up by 0.1 percent year-on-year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
[...] Producer price indices (PPI) continued to fall in March, down 2.8 percent year-on-year"

--- Official numbers, so deflation is most probably still a reality. Doesn't really look like consumers want to spend more.
Of course, the usual suspects take these numbers as an indication that the great stimulus must be coming now. This time for real.


China hits back at EU investigation of subsidies in green industries

"China has accused the European Union of protectionism and “reckless distortion” of the definition of subsidies"

--- A proper definition of 'subsidies' is obviously 'nothing that China does'. Only evil Western countries use subsidies in their economic policies, China is the only truly free market in the world.


US Airlines, Unions Urge Biden Administration Not to Approve More China Flights

"In February, the U.S. Transportation Department said Chinese passenger airlines could boost weekly round-trip U.S. flights to 50 starting on March 31, up from the current 35, about a third of pre-pandemic levels. U.S. carriers were authorized as well to fly 50 flights per week but are currently not using all those flights.
Airlines for America, a trade group whose members include American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, and unions in a letter to the Transportation and State departments cited the "advantage Chinese airlines receive by continuing to access Russian airspace, while U.S. carriers stopped flying through Russian airspace at the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March 2022.""

--- Another example in which a Western country regulates its own industry & thereby gives an advantage to Chinese competitors. Will they ever learn?


China is sending its highest-level delegation to North Korea since 2019 to kick off a ‘friendship year’

"Zhao Leji, China’s third-highest ranked official, will lead a delegation for a “goodwill visit” to the country to kickstart a “friendship year” marking 75 years of diplomatic ties, Beijing announced Tuesday.
[...] China has long walked a thin line in its relations with North Korea.
It is a critical economic lifeline for a North Korea crippled by international sanctions over its illegal weapons testing. The two also have close historical and ideological ties and fought together during the Korean War of the 1950s."

--- Well, friendship ..., close ties ... .
China was also for a long time a colonial power in Korea. Which has not been forgotten there. There is a (North?) Korean saying, something like: 'Japan has been an enemy for 100 years, but China has been an enemy for 1000 years.' So, there is a lot of distrust between them. &, of course, there is the usual commie paranoia.



China meddled in past two Canada elections, says Justin Trudeau

China sanctions 2 U.S. defense companies and says they support arms sales to Taiwan

US, Japan, Philippines hold summit amid China threat



--- CNBC: "We are heading toward another trade war between the U.S. and China"


--- DW News: "US-China trade war: Which side is Germany on?"


--- CNA: Beijing accuses US, Japan of smearing, attacking China during summit

--- Firstpost: India's PM Modi Calls on China to Urgently Address the Border Dispute



"Rücksichtslose Verzerrung": China erbost über EU-Untersuchung zu grüner Industrie

""Die rücksichtslose Verzerrung der Definition von Subventionen durch die europäische Seite und der Mangel an Offenheit und Transparenz bei den Verfahrensstandards während der Untersuchung ist ein protektionistischer Akt, der das Umfeld für fairen Wettbewerb im Namen des fairen Wettbewerbs schädigt""



Kaum Bewegung bei Verbraucherpreisen in China im März

"Wie das Statistikamt am Donnerstag in Peking mitteilte, stiegen die Verbraucherpreise in der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt im März verglichen mit demselben Vorjahresmonat nur um 0,1 Prozent.
[...] Die Erzeugerpreise in China waren im März unterdessen weiter rückläufig, das Minus fiel mit 2,8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum sogar etwas höher aus als noch im Februar. "

--- Offizielle Zahlen. Was darauf hindeutet, daß China nach wie vor in der Deflation ist. Die Verbraucher sind also alles andere als konsumfreudig.



Scholz reist nach Peking: Der lange Weg aus der Abhängigkeit von China

Die Sanktionen treiben Russland laut einem Thinktank in die Arme von China und anderen "Schurkenstaaten" (Da Rußland selber ein Schurkenstaat ist, macht das wohl wenig aus.)



--- DW: "Handelskrieg China gegen die USA: Auf welcher Seite steht Deutschland?"


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