China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-09-17



Aukus: US and UK face backlash over Australia defence deal

"Mr Johnson later told MPs that the agreement was "not intended to be adversarial" to China."

--- Sucker. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, since China strongly disagrees.

"the prime minister was questioned by his predecessor, Theresa May, about whether the deal could lead to Britain being dragged into war with China.
She asked the prime minister about the "implications" of the partnership in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. "

--- Has May ever heard of NATO? If China attacks US forces, the UK will be dragged into a conflict one way or another, anyway.

France recalls its ambassadors to the US and Australia over new national security partnership

"the move was made at the request of President Emmanuel Macron.
"This extraordinary decision reflects the exceptional seriousness of the announcements made on September 15 by Australia and the United States," Le Drian said. "The abandonment of the ocean-class submarine project that Australia and France had been working on since 2016 and the announcement of a new partnership with the United States aimed at studying the possibility of future cooperation on nuclear-powered submarines constitute unacceptable behavior among allies and partners; their consequences affect the very concept we have of our alliances, our partnerships, and the importance of the Indo-Pacific for Europe.""

--- Wouldn't it be nice if Macron showed the same conviction & strength against China? But, well, it's all about the money:

"France stands to lose the equivalent of $65 billion US dollars from an existing deal to provide Australia with conventional, diesel-powered submarines."

--- I wonder, though, whether Germany should be as angry at France. The French, after all, outbid the German industry for the Australian submarine contract.
France could also try to recoup some of the losses by selling subs to Taiwan. But then Macron would have to be afraid of losing money from exports to China.

China vows to resist ‘interference’ as Taiwan welcomes support from Aukus allies

"Speaking at a meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Tajikistan via video link, Xi urged members of the grouping to “absolutely resist external forces to interfere [in] countries in our region at any excuse, and hold the future of our countries’ development and progress firmly in our own hands”"

--- Translation: You should accept China as your regional hegemon & avoid cooperation with other countries. Or else ...

"Various other nations have their own “One China” policies, which lay out the level of recognition their governments afford Beijing’s policy. The US and Australia, for example, acknowledge but do not recognise Beijing’s claim over Taiwan."

--- Important factoid which many journalists seem to get wrong.

"on Thursday, the European parliament passed a resolution which included recommendations for the European Union to “urgently” negotiate a trade agreement with Taiwan"

--- Ouch, that hurt the feelings of all Chinese. But what will the EU Commission do? I suspect they are much too afraid of a negative Chinese reaction. So, nothing will happen.


China – a lonely superpower

"Xi’s concept of “national rejuvenation” is likewise understood within the Party to equate to China’s return to its rightful place at the apex of the international system.
There are clear dissonances between this vision and the foreign policy objectives of Iran and Russia. Both countries seek dominance in their near abroad. Russia still considers itself a global power and wants to be treated as a peer equal of the United States and China.
It is uncertain whether Beijing would accommodate these ambitions"

--- It is actually pretty certain that the CCP will not. They want to be the boss. You are only considered friendly, if you kowtow. Equal peers to China do not exist.

"Since the 1980s, China has maintained an official non-alliance policy. Chinese international relations scholars have justified this policy in terms of preserving China’s manoeuvrability, independence and self-reliance. They also point out that “alliance candidates are few” and question whether alliances with these countries would “cost more” than they are worth."

--- Because alliances mean compromise. & emperor Xi & the CCP don't like compromises. Alliances are only possible if the other alliance members are Chinese vassals & do as they are told.


China applies to join key Asia-Pacific trade pact

"Joining the CPTPP would be a significant boost for China, especially after it signed up to a different free trade agreement with 14 countries - called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) - in November.
RCEP is the world's largest trading bloc, with South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand among its members."

--- Quite a joke, considering how China uses trade blockades to punish Australia (& others) for political statements.


China’s Xi: SCO states should help drive smooth Afghan transition

"SCO member states should guide Afghanistan to develop an inclusive political structure and follow moderate internal and external policies, Xi said"

--- Translation: China can earn a lot of money (& influence) in Afghanistan. Therefore you should pour a lot of your money into Afghanistan, so that China can earn more.


Separated from his parents, an infected 4-year-old highlights the human cost of China's zero-Covid policy

"the Putian government said China's epidemic control rules bar Covid patients from any company during isolation and treatment. But if a child and their parent are both infected, the hospital would try to arrange them to stay in the same ward"

--- Showing again the benevolent & humane character of emperor Xi's enlightened regime. When the kids are alone at night in their isolation wards, they can pray to emperor Xi & immediately feel like being in the warm embrace of their parents.

"the Chinese government has remained reluctant to lift border restrictions, despite huge achievements in its vaccination drive. On Thursday, China said it had fully inoculated 1 billion people with domestically made vaccines -- accounting for 71% of its population of 1.4 billion"

--- You wonder, why? Here is an example:


Covid-19: Hong Kong lawmaker Regina Ip gets BioNTech jab after no antibodies detected from Sinovac vaccines

"Hong Kong lawmaker Regina Ip has received a dose of the German-developed BioNTech vaccine after finding that no Covid antibodies were detected from her two jabs with the Chinese-made Sinovac some six months ago"

--- Such a traitor! As we all know, Chinese vaccines are perfect. &, as the Chinese media told us again & again over the last months, all those foreign vaccines, BioNTech in particular, cannot be trusted.

"On June 5, Ip tweeted: I had an antibody test last week, 2 months after I was fully vaccinated. I am delighted the result shows I am well protected against Covid. Sinovac’s vaccine works!”"

--- When your propaganda falls squarely on your foot.



From China, through Telegram: Fake Covid vaccination card market booms

"Act As A Decent Power": China's Curt Response To US Over Uyghur Exhibit

--- Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, the dismantling of the civil society continues:

Hong Kong Tiananmen Massacre group vanishes from internet after police demand; 11 years of Victoria Park vigil vids deleted

Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions in process of disbanding, vice-chair confirms



--- China Uncensored features the weekend news variety:


--- WION: "Gravitas: Is a global financial crisis brewing in China?"


--- DW News: "How Artificial Intelligence is being used in job interviews in China"


--- WION: Gravitas: IMF chief boosted China's economic data

--- BBC News: Chinese outrage at new US-UK-Australian security pact

--- PBS: France furious over new U.S. pact meant to confront China's growing ambitions in Asia



China begründet Absage an Fregatte Bayern mit mangelndem Vertrauen

"Der Sprecher Zhao Lijian sagte, China betrachte die Beziehungen zu Deutschland, auch die Kooperation zwischen den Streitkräften, als wichtig und sei zu „freundschaftlichem Austausch auf der Basis gegenseitigen Respekts und Vertrauens bereit“. Es sei jedoch an Deutschland, „günstige Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen“."

--- Sprich: Nur nach einem richtigen Kotau werdet ihr halbwegs freundlich behandelt.

"Mit Blick auf Deutschland fügte Zhao Lijian hinzu, „wir hoffen, dass Länder außerhalb der Region die Bemühungen der regionalen Länder zum Schutz von Frieden und Stabilität im Südchinesischen Meer respektieren und eine konstruktive Rolle in dieser Hinsicht spielen können“"

--- Sprich: Der Ausbau chinesischer Regionalhegemonie darf nicht in Frage gestellt werden.

"Dabei hatte Deutschland bei den Planungen für den Einsatz der Fregatte Bayern allerhand vermieden, was China hätte provozieren können. Man hatte frühzeitig klargestellt, dass die Bayern nicht durch die Taiwan-Straße fahren werde."

--- Zeigt nur, daß Appeasement bei China eben nicht wirkt. Die KPCh will totale Unterwerfung. Die deutsche Weicheierei bringt gar nix, weder in die eine noch in die andere Richtung.
Wo ich gerade bei Weicheierei bin:


Laschet warnt vor "Kaltem Krieg" mit China

""Ein neuer Kalter Krieg würde uns sehr schaden", sagte Laschet dem "Handelsblatt". China stehe aber im Systemwettbewerb mit Europa, verletze die Menschenrechte und sei keine Demokratie. "Das müssen und werden wir immer kritisieren.""

--- Er kapiert es nicht. Es braucht keinen Kalten Krieg. Aber wenn man überhaupt etwas erreichen will, muß man offen, offensiv & klar seine Position vertreten & evtl. auch kurzfristige wirtschaftliche Einbußen in Kauf nehmen. Wandel durch Handel ist ein Mythos.


Manipulationsverdacht gegen IWF-Chefin

"Als klar wurde, dass China 2018 sogar abrutschen würde auf Rang 85, veranlasste Kims Team mehrere Krisengespräche mit dem Ziel, die Methodologie zu Gunsten von China zu verändern, damit es besser abschneidet.
[...] Der ungenannte Chefautor des Berichts sagte schließlich, dass er mit einer Lösung leben konnte, die China um sieben Ränge aufwertete auf ihren alten Platz 78. Georgiewa bedankte sich und sagte nach dessen Aussage lobend, er habe einen Beitrag zum Multilateralismus geleistet.
[...] Kim, Georgiewa und ihr Berater Djankow übten Druck auf die Autoren des Reports aus mit dem Zweck, China besser dastehen zu lassen. Die Prüfer vermuten, dass die Weltbank-Führung China beschwichtigen wollte, um die geplante Kapitalerhöhung nicht zu gefährden."

--- Multilateralismus mit chinesischen Charakteristiken. Was tut man nicht alles für das schöne (chinesische) Geld.


Die Masken rutschen schnell nach unten

"In den Staatsmedien wird genüsslich darauf hingewiesen, dass die Eröffnungsfeier und die Wettkämpfe in Tokio, anders als in Xi’an, vor fast leeren Rängen stattfanden. Selbst die Zahl der Athleten wird als Ausweis der Überlegenheit dargestellt. Tokio: 11.309. Xi’an: mehr als 12.000. Unerwähnt bleibt in den Berichten, dass die Tickets für die Eröffnungsfeier nicht käuflich zu erwerben waren. Die meisten Teilnehmer waren Mitarbeiter von Staatsbetrieben. In Xi’an ist zu hören, sie hätten vorab eine zweiwöchige Quarantäne durchlaufen.
[...] Athleten, Medien und, anders als in Tokio, auch die Ordner sind in eigenen Unterkünften und Transportmitteln von der Außenwelt vollständig abgeschirmt und mussten sich vorab isolieren und regelmäßig testen lassen."

--- So ungefähr dürften auch die Winterspiele ablaufen. Falls sie stattfinden. Sollte es bei dieser Veranstaltung zu einem Superverbreitungsereignis kommen, halte ich es durchaus für denkbar, daß die KPCh sogar die Winterspiele absagt. Würde zwar einen gewaltigen Gesichtsverlust bedeuten, aber man kann den dreckigen, ausländischen Barbaren nunmal noch weniger vertrauen als der eigenen Bevölkerung.


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