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Wedding Mayhem with Sisters


Two years after Chichi and her sister Ada graduated from secondary school, they were given the most joyous news—our guardian was getting married, and they were chosen to be part of her bridal train. The wedding was so important to them because she took care of them so well in school and was like a second mother.

Their dad gave them money to go over to their guardian's house a week before the wedding so they could help with the preparations. When they got there, they settled in and began assisting her with the wedding preparation.

They met many of their friends from secondary school, and typically, Chichi couldn’t resist hanging out with them. Three days before the wedding, one of their classmates offered to take them on a girl's trip, returning the day before the wedding. There was no way Chichi was going to miss it. When she told her sister, Ada declined, saying Chichi could go alone, which didn’t surprise her. That was just Ada—she liked being social but didn’t enjoy too much activity.

Before leaving, Chichi asked their guardian for permission, and she agreed on one condition. "You must tell your mom first, and if she says no, you’re not going. I’ll still ask her, so don’t lie," their guardian said.

Chichi wasn’t worried. It was just their parents' permission to get it, so she called her mom. “Hello, mummy, good afternoon,” she greeted her.

“Good afternoon, how are you people? Are you preparing?” her mom asked.

"Yes. Mummy, I wanted to ask you something," Chichi said softly.

“Hmm. I’m listening, ask away,” her mom replied with a tone Chichi knew too well. She used it when she already knew what Chichi was about to ask. Being the only daughter among ten boys, their mom was very close to their guardian, who always told her everything, even things she acted like she wouldn’t.

Chichi told her mom about the trip, and her mom said she could go only if Ada went with her. They always believed Ada kept Chichi in line, and it wasn’t a lie.

Chichi knew her plans were ruined because there was no way she was convincing Ada.

"So, have you called mummy?" Ada asked as Chichi sat watching a movie on her phone.

"No, I’m not going anymore," Chichi said, both angry and sad.

"Why?" Ada asked, concerned.

“She said I shouldn’t go if you’re not coming," Chichi replied.

"So, I must follow you?" Ada sighed. "See me, I don’t have the energy for all that moving around. But you can go. Tomorrow, you go, and I’ll find an excuse."

Chichi dropped her phone and hugged Ada tightly. "This is why I love you."

"Just make sure you video call me and tell me where you are—morning, afternoon, and night. And come back early,” Ada said, laying down her conditions.

Chichi called her friend, and they picked her up the next day. The outing was amazing on the first day. They visited their secondary school, went to different restaurants, went shopping, and even met some other friends. The second day was the same—going from place to place, enjoying themselves. That night, Chichi was so tired she forgot to charge her phone and missed Ada’s calls because it was switched off.

The next day, Chichi woke up late—almost afternoon. By the time she packed and hit the road with her friend, it was evening when they finally reached their guardian's house. Ada was angry with her for letting her phone die and not returning early.

Chichi apologized, telling Ada she was too tired to charge her phone when they got back to the hotel.

“Just imagine. You were stressed from enjoyment,” Ada eyed her from head to toe.

“You won’t understand,” Chichi muttered, lying down like she was lifeless on the bed.

“Just make sure you’re ready tomorrow,” Ada hissed, walking out.

The next morning, everyone was prepared except Chichi. Everything was just higgledy-piggledy. She yanked open a drawer, looking for her hair brooch, while one shoe was under the bed and the other across the room. Clothes were scattered everywhere from her searching for her things.

Ada walked into the room, fully dressed. “Why are you just now looking for your shoes?” she snapped, arms crossed at the door. “We should have been at the venue an hour ago.”

Chichi ignored her and continued looking for the brooch. She didn’t want to be the only one with an incomplete outfit.

Ada rolled her eyes. “You never plan! This is exactly why I’m always stuck cleaning up your mess.”

The tension in the air thickened. “Maybe you should just go instead of barking orders,” Chichi muttered loud enough for Ada to hear.

“Maybe if you weren’t so—” Ada stopped herself and took a deep breath. “You know what? Just forget it. Let’s get through this wedding without killing each other, please.”

Neither of them had the energy for a fight.

“I’ll find it,” Chichi said softly. “Let’s just… get through this, together.”

Ada looked at her, her face softening a little. “Yeah… together.”