Balancing Small Desires for Big Achievements: The Power of Sacrifice and Planning

Sometimes to achieve something big we do have to deny or ignore our small desires. If you want to buy a house at a certain age or year then you do have to save money for that and have to cut off your expenses a bit to achieve that goal. The proper planning and management I am sure everything can be done don't you think? Sometimes ignoring small goals for bigger goals can be very useful in my opinion. At some point in life, we do think this is not working for us but after a while, we do see the results and it feels great.

If you do have to lose weight then show you have to cut off your diet a bit. For better results of your health, you have to sacrifice in the present and the future will be bright for sure. I do have a lot of plans for myself but due to some financial problems from the past year, I am unable to achieve that. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. And there is always a reason for what happened.


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So if you feel like you are no problem then try to go with the flow sometimes we don't have to fight just need to accept him in front of us. Accepting reality is the first step to accepting the truth. I am sacrificing my expenses and saving money for a better future sure we can't say that life will be pleasant after 10 or 15 years. But at least we should try to achieve it, don't want to regret this thing. Hello hi money decent amount of salary in my hometown. You to someone going loans I am unable to achieve the desired goals on time. But the thing is I haven't stopped my investments even if I have to pay loans I did manage to figure out how to repair the loan even stopping my investments monthly. These are the small sacrifices that time doing right now for a better future it doesn't mean that I am living a very low-standard lifestyle and only saving all the money.

I don't enjoy it that much but I think I don't like that (I am a kind of a boring person ). I don't drink, don't even smoke, and don't have a girlfriend either. I don't have that because in my opinion it is saving a lot of time for me and time I will do something in my life this is I do have a girlfriend I am sure I would be if I were with him. I think this is also a kind of sacrifice in my opinion. I was saving money for buying a new laptop but unfortunately, I did petrol that investment and water a brand new laptop for my brother recently. Not sure when I am going for me but I will buy a good one this time definitely let's see how things will go.

I can buy a laptop on EMI but I don't feel like being 15% interest on the laptop. So I am saving a small amount monthly for that and will buy what is going up and give me a lot of money if I will buy it on some special days. It's over the best. My current laptop is fully functional but sometimes it gets stuck and I have to wait for hours to see the response. Sometimes it is very frustrating but now I am kind of used to it. What about you what are you sacrificing?

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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