Battle bosses in Splinterforge with your Splinterlands monsters


Splinterforge is a side project affiliated Splinterlands that has largely gone under the radar. However, if you've paid some attention to activities around the crypto space, you'd have heard people mention it.

The first time I heard of it was actually sometime in early December, back when my Twitter account hadn't been banned. Various Splinterlands players were publishing tweets about the game but I never actually bothered to check it out.

Owing to my short attention span, I didn't feel the need to actually look deeper into the game. I figured there was really no point playing it because it would most likely require serious investment like Genesis League Goals to get started.

Keep in mind that my initial opinion and reason for not starting the game, as stated in the previous paragraph, was based on the fact that I had zero information about Splinterforge. In fact, at the time, all I knew about the game was the name and the fact that it had something to do with Splinterlands because of the "Splinter-" in the name of the game.

What I found out

Out of curiosity, I simply googled "Splinterforge" and I was taken straight to the Homepage of the game. I thought I'd have to create a new account or something but that wasn't necessary because my Hive keychain was enough to log in.

After signing in, I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed by being somewhere that seems a bit different from what I know. All my insecurities were eventually sorted out as I continued clicking around.

As I continued to scroll around the page, I started to see the Splinterlands side of the game that made me feel a bit more comfortable. It felt like I was in Splinterlands away from Splinterlands, kind of like a home away from home feeling that ensures that the average Splinterlands player can easily adapt to.

At the top left is a marketplace where packs( Alpha crates and Enhancement bags) and elixirs that recharge stamina which I can equate to energy capture rate are sold. Beside that is a "Forge" where you simply open your packs and enhancement bags.

Out of curiosity, I decided to buy one alpha pack to see what Splinterforge assets look like. However, before even mentioning what I got in the crate, it is important to state that DEC and Forgium tokens are the only ways to pay for Alpha crates.

We're all familiar with DEC but Forgium is a new guy in the mix and at the time of writing, it is valued at about the same price with DEC token in the secondary market. Any action that pumps DEC closer to the desired peg could have a knock on effect on the price of Frogium but that's a story for another day.

Anyway, I went into the forge to open my alpha pack and this is what I found.


I put two and two together, then figured that those cards were upgrades for my hero. Here's how my hero "looked" after the cheap upgrade.


After equipping my hero, the time to battle a boss has finally come, so I went into the field to stake my claim for glory. I want to earn Forgium like all the names on the leaderboard but that doesn't seem to be working out so far.

I'm going to continue clicking around to find out why the battles never seem to be going through. I initiated a battle with the Chicken boss and the battle just continues loading without anything happening.


There's probably an explanation for this issue that I haven't figured out yet. Perhaps it is due to the game being in its testing phase or something along those lines.

In any case, I'm now officially fascinated and will be keeping my ears on the ground, dropping regular updates on development around the game.

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