The Web Of Decision Making

If there is one thing I am skeptical about the most is being the one to make decisions that affect everyone in a given environment. I get to go through a lot of thinking about the outcome, what if I’m making the wrong decision and it affects everyone, and how do I deal with it? I notice how difficult it is to decide especially when you have to do it for several people.

Recently I gave my students a test, I divided the class into sets since there were so many and I was the only one to supervise. I had 3 sets that were going to write so I prepared 5 questions. When the First set came in, I asked that they pick one of theirs to choose a question number, and anyone he chooses will be their question, They decided to pick a random student, but she said she wasn’t going to choose, what if she decides to pick a difficult question, they would blame her for it. This exactly is why I am scared of making decisions when it covers other people.

Design by me using Canva

Regardless, everyone has made certain decisions throughout their lives, concerning their academics, concerning finances. In one way or another, we get to make decisions so we can’t run away from it.

What Steps Do I Take In Making Decisions?

The first step I take in making decisions is gathering more information about it, I try to know more about what I am supposed to make a decision on, for instance when I was given admission into a tertiary institution, I had a slated time to decide if I was going to accept the course or decline it. I had to gather more information about it in order not to make a wrong move.

The next thing I did was evaluate my options, I tried thinking of if I had another option, if I declined this admission do I have another option, or do I have something that is of better importance to me than this? With this move, I was able to consider properly and make a decision.

Then think about the result. I try my best to weigh the result that will be gotten from the decision I am about to make. What is the ratio of the decision producing a negative result or a positive result? This most times helps me to make decisions properly. It is more like considering what could go wrong if I do this, or maybe things could go right if I decide to do this.


How long does it take me to make major decisions?

Decision-making is something that I do not rush, I always try my best to take my time when making a major decision. I try to sleep over it and consider every important thing because I am super scared of it going bad. Except for me making a decision that has a time frame attached to it. I think I do not make major decisions by impulse, I have a rethink over and over again trying not to leave any stone unturned.

How do I cope with my Decision not going as planned?

I cry, this is the truth, if I experience a situation where my decision comes out as a disappointment the first thing I do is cry, not like it works but after crying I try to look for a solution. There are always good and bad times so I try to make another solution and look for another method to make things work perfectly. This is the reason why most times I get scared when making decisions because I get overwhelmed with thinking about what if there is a disappointment and this doesn’t work out.

In the long run, making decisions is important.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

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