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I think I could live without electricity although life would be much different to what I know now, and quite difficult.

I was thinking about this because one of the topics for the #weekend-engagement this weekend; I haven't joined in for a while and it felt right this week considering the great topics. I liked the topic about living in a world without electricity.

I'm fortunate to have one of those super handy guys for a boyfriend and he likes to be prepared; with what he knows and how prepared he is I think we'd be completely fine if the power supply was to permanently stop. Human beings lived in past without electricity so there's no reason we could not once more, but most wouldn't want to.

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I took this image

Society relies heavily on technology and automation nowadays and people seem incapable of unplugging for even short periods so people who cannot would struggle but humans are incredibly adaptive so habits change and new realities are accepted and for me, I think it would be very difficult but the transition from powered to unpowered life would be possible.

Life would change dramatically, communication, the workplace, how mobile we are and how we travel, entertainment, how we transact goods and services and how hard people would have to work are just a few things that would be impacted...I feel it's likely that should someone turn off the power there would be massive turmoil and strife in the world also, people trying to take advantage of others, but over time people would adapt and life would begin to normalize; a new normal sure, but life would go on. There'd be no choice really, it would be adapt or perish I suppose.

People's reliance on electricity has made them lazy, all of us, and I believe humans generally have lost important skills due to life becoming easier through things like electricity and the technology and automation it powers. I wonder, is that progress? I don't think so, or at least it's progress at the expense of core skills and abilities which could assist in a world without electricity.

Could I live without electricity? Sure, but would I want to? Part of me says, no I would not, but most of me feels it would simplify life and allow me to connect with myself and others on deeper levels and in more meaningful ways rather than in a cursory way, staring at a phone screen. It would also force the issue around self reliance which is probably a good thing. Could I live without my phone? Yes. Can I live without my hair dryer? No. Ok, yes to that too if I'm honest.

Like I said earlier, my guy is prepared and capable and maybe that's why I believe having no electricity would be acceptable, maybe it's because I feel the world and the people in it move too quickly and that inhibits enjoyment and fulfillment on a deeper level; I think the lack of electricity would slow things down and that's not a bad thing.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗