Responsibilities VS Freedom


Nowadays, some parents pass on to their kids the family responsibility after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your kids to shoulder burdens that are not supposed to be theirs?

Honestly I wasn't planning to enter this contest as I'm not a Mom, but, an idea popped up in my head, why don't I try and ask my mom if she wishes to share her viewpoint to world wide web? so, I did, and oh! Lucky me! She approved, said that she's interested to do it as well...

Before I start, remember to show love for my mum in the comments section, otherwise, I'll hunt your dreams :D

Alright let's jump right into it, shall we?

My mother said that “I have always loved my daughter with unconditional love without any expectations just like any other parents. I only have one daughter and never thought of getting another child because I didn’t want her to face those things unwanted feelings that I have gone through! I have 2 older brother and 2 younger brother, I have never felt the affection of being loved by parents. My parents always have thought of me as a burden because I am a girl, in the past they would be happy to marry me off to an old man who is rich. They wouldn’t care about my feelings so, I have always wanted my daughter to be independent but I never had the thought of relaying on her or she should pay me back for everything I did for her. A mothers love and care never can payed back with money or anything else in the world. I know my daughter would love to take the responsibilities but I wish to let her live freely in her own world and have her own life. I don’t expect any kind of help or anything from her. Besides that I want her to stay healthy and happy instead of worrying about lifting the responsibilities. Yes, I have seen few parents pass on to their children the family responsibilities after they graduate from school as a parent I can’t agree with this because we can’t force our responsibilities onto our child because we gave birth to them, being parent doesn’t mean you can force your child to bear the responsibilities. I think it depends on the family’s finance, if they are middle class family there are some times when we can’t do anything but share the responsibilities still I don’t agree with that thought of passing full responsibilities. But I would say that sharing is okay but giving all responsibilities on our child can turn into a burden. It can also lead them fall into a deep depression, we are experienced but our child is not used to this situation. Gradually responsibilities can be shared! Overall my daughter respects me and helps me in the kitchen whenever I need her she is there that’s all I needed love and care I can’t see my child in pain. No matter how old she grows she will always remain as my child and I want her to live her own life and it’s not necessary to pay us back no matter how many hardships we go through never expecting anything from my daughter. Also her father and I have struggled a lot to give her a better life not to take our responsibilities. If the situation somehow goes worse then I know she would gladly try to help.”

I am so overwhelmed after hearing my mothers kind words towards me! Like we never had a conversation like this before until today! Thanks to Ladies of Hive community after a long time I got to pass a emotional time with my mom.

As a child, is it necessary for you to pay back your parents' laborious efforts even though it means you have to sacrifice your freedom?

Well, I am 20 years old now! I feel quite responsible towards my parents. I know they don’t want me to carry any kind of responsibility but I can’t let it be like that. I think it’s my responsibility to give what I can and try at my best to keep my parents in comfort even though they didn’t ask me for it. I can never pay back the laborious efforts and time they gave me and it’s universal truth no one can. I will always remain grateful to them for taking care of me even when I am in my adulthood they didn’t make any changes for me. I think it’s necessary to take care of my parents and it can never affect my freedom. It’s nothing about sacrificing they have spent their whole life taking care of me so I shall try to do the same even though it’s never gonna be enough no matter how much I do but I will always try to give my best. Not everyone has a parent and I think everyone should be grateful for having a family and for that always think with a positive mind to carry it. One day I will get married and I will be away from my parents still I want to maintain the responsibilities I feel that I have for them even though they don’t want me to pursue for them. I want contribute as much as I can and there’s nothing like giving and taking I don’t believe in that, I only believe that it’s all about Love, care & respect. I should do everything for my parents out of love not out of responsibilities! I can’t keep up a mind set like as if I am doing my job. I think it should be like “they are my parents and they gave me a life which I will always be grateful of and can never forget”. To me responsibilities should not be taken as a burden or think that it’s taking my freedom away, no matter what in the end they are my parents I will always have some responsibilities towards them even though I can’t pay it off. And I would gladly try to be there for them always!

I would like to share with you guys a photo of my mother and myself

This photo is my favourite, because whenever I look at it, feels like she is always closest to my heart so, I wanted to share it with you guys!
Oh well in case if you don’t realise who is who! On the left it’s my mother she always looks young and she is wearing the mask because she has dust allergy so it’s not the same reason as mine hehe :D.


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About the Author
My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

  • The Photos were taken with Iphone 13 Pro Max
  • Edited with PicsArt Mobile app & thumbnail edited with Canva
  • All the Images and content are mine unless otherwise noted

All Rights reserved @ayamihaya


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