Can We Consider Human Investment As One Of The Best Form of Investment?


Hello hivers, it has been a while, which is what happens when you get a 9-5 job because of the rising inflation affecting the price of goods and services. So, one has no choice but to look for more means of making money. Phew!
However, I have an interesting topic to talk about which is a human investment as the best form of investment. I know some might be wondering why or what it means and how can one benefit from a human being an investment, well, I can tell you there are many things one can benefit from it but that depends on how you use it first let us look at what is an investment.

What is an investment?

In simple terms, an investment is a process of having or acquiring an item that can generate income for you passively or when it appreciates. This item can either be cash, or properties (land and houses), it can also be pieces of jewellery and any goods that can generate or create future wealth. However, there is no guarantee that an investment can give you 100% wealth, it all depends on the economy and the factors affecting it. But it is good to invest because that is the key to acquiring wealth either passively or in the future for yourself and your generation.

What is Human Investment?

Human investment does not necessarily mean you are giving a tremendous amount of money to someone with the hope of getting huge returns later, human investment comes in different forms. It can be the good relationship you keep with someone, the help or assistance you give to them without the mindset of you expecting something in return.

In terms of keeping a good relationship as a form of human investment involves when you are good friends with someone and despite the difficulties, you keep a positive mindset towards them, in the future you might need their help in a situation that you may find yourself in also vice versa. So, in life just as it is good to cut people off, it is also important to keep them close or at arm’s length not necessary cutting them off completely.

In summary, keeping a good relationship with someone is a form of human investment because no one knows where you will meet in the future and who might need help from each other.

Help or assist, has to do with human capacity building and human development which can also be called human capital, and this has to do with training an individual through education, making them acquire skills to develop themselves which can make them better versions of themselves. Also, companies do this to help their employees or staff to become better, setting training for them to acquire skills they lack which can also help the company to be better.

This can in turn benefit you in future when they become successful

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