In the Quest for Stable Finance, My efforts for my Family


Hello GEMS Community! Welcome to my blog. When inflation is exceeding from your monthly income every time then doing an ordinary job will be a wrong idea. Because the Job system can support you for a shorter time it will not be a permanent solution for your financial stability. In my homeland, I have seen that people with jobs are more worried about the future of their kids than those people who are involved in a business. Yes, business is a solution for our finances. Don't store your money in the banks, we need to store our money in a sustainable business. There are many investment opportunities available where we can invest for a better future.



Empowering my Finance

It has been about one year since I completed my graduation. I neither have applied for any Government Job nor have any intentions of doing a job because I believe that business is the permanent solution for stable Finance. Otherwise, heavy inflation is enough to disturb our income as well as our mental health. Especially in underdeveloped countries, any idea does not work permanently. We have to invest our money in other side Bussiness. Currently, I'm supporting and empowering my family through my earnings that I availed through the following two ways.

  • Real Estate Bussiness
  • Content Creation and Trading

Real Estate Bussiness

This business is ever ever-shining one. Buy a plot, construct a beautiful building, provide an opportunity to the people for bidding, and take your favorite money demand.



It has been one year since I was dealt in this business and now I have a lot of expertise in it. It can support many families without draining our finances into debt. Our Government supports as by taking subsidies on construction materials. Our investment in the plots is saved and no one can steal it. I'm happy and always feel lucky whenever I talk with an elite class of people for dealing and new housing society projects. Not only we are enjoying profit but also we are participating in the progress of a country. Most developed countries have the most developed real estate infrastructure.



Content Creation and Trading

Content Creation and Trading both are my virtual jobs to make my extra time profitable. Any virtual job is not enough to run the life system permanently. We should do any physical job as well. Sometimes, I feel full-time content creator on Hive Blockchain because whenever I don't have any important meetings with clients or engineers or local property dealers, I not only enjoy interacting with my virtual friends but also I like to share my feelings, routine, emotions and life events through my blog. In this way, I'm investing my time in earning Hive Bucks that I'm holding and utilizing it in the trading.



Binance Trading is my best and the Hive/USDT pair is my favorite Crypto pair for trading. I believe that the hive will grow into 1$ price to see its potential and public interest. It is changing the lives of many people through different hive business opportunities and attracting investors with many smart contracts.


I consider the job system useless in Under-developed countries because inflation sometimes damages and financial instability the outcome. Hence, I'm finding my family empowerment through finances through the Real Estate Business as well as content creation and trading. If the job is the last option for us then we should invest our salary in a business. You can start your business from scratch and make a boss yourself by investing your time. We really can tackle inflation by business. Be a Businessman and not only enjoy your profit but also serve your nation.

Didn't Have a Topic to Write Today? Try some amazing Topics!

If you didn't have a topic to write on Hive Blockchain then there is no need to worry. There is a new ongoing April Monthly Prompt by @leo.tasks. There are some amazing topics for us, give them a try and also earn some good curation rewards from @leo.voter with a chance to win Leo Premium Accounts for the best Participants.


You need to read this post for more information about this April Monthly Prompt.

This post is my entry for April Monthly Prompt. I hope you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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