
Hello everyone, lately I wasn't getting any motivation to draw anything. I wanted to draw but was not able to decide what to draw. So I took a course on the fundamentals of drawing but it was all theoretical and I again was confused about where to practise my learnings. So I went back to where it all begin ANIME, It all started with Death Note when I first made a drawing with a lot of motivation so I have started watching a new anime, ONE PIECE 😄. And I got what I needed, my first favourite character. presenting CHOUCHOU

So Chouchou is a minor character who appeared in only 2 episodes of One Piece. He lives in a village which was invaded by pirates, Buggy the clown . He protects his owner's shop who died due to a disease. He was against a giant Lion still wasn't backing down that's what I liked about Chouchou.
Here are some progress photos.

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So here is what I was talking about, simplify everything into simple shapes. I found it a much easier process to get the proportions and correct positioning of features. This very time efficient and effective. Now I understand why artists make shapes first. later we can use these shapes to show perspective that is, How something would look from a different angle.

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decreased opacity of the shape layer and made a basic outline with different line quality, line quality is thickness and thinness of lines in a drawing. it gives more depth to a drawing.

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So I haven't reached the colouring part so I did what I felt like 😅 just added a basic layer of colours which I could see and then..

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Added some highlights, struggling with adding highlights. just wish that with practice I will get good at it.


The last packet of food left with him to protect. I hope I'll get to see him in future. I'll post drawings more often now. This was an icebreaker now I feel like drawing a lot and I have so many plans to show you guys.

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