Announcement about Community Page

Hello Dear Cent community. I was going to make this announcement when I shared Cent stats. However, I got the second notification about the community page today. On our community page, there are shares that are stolen or copied by accounts created by a few people.

As you know, Cent's prize pool also scans the #introduceyourself hashtag. For a while, I thought that the accounts that made the posts I mentioned came from the introduce yourself tag. I voted for most of the posts. Recently, I received a warning from Hivewatchers. I got the second feedback today. You can find the feedback below.

Dear Cent curators! Please be careful when voting for posts made in the community for a while. Do not vote for a while, especially for users with a rep score below 45. In this process, you can vote for the content that uses the #cent tag.

We'll be removing the community page from Cent's prize pool for a while. Most likely the topic of the community page will change. We will focus on a specific issue. In the current situation, there was not much content production as it appealed to general content. Most of the posts are black and white photo posts. Or it consists of account updates.

You can use the #cent tag in various communities or content you produce without using a community. You can vote for the content you like by visiting the #cent tag. See you. Stay tuned.

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