The Best Drinkslover Lion (Week 1)

Photo by Charl Durand

Greetings to all, dear #drinkslovers, wherever you are on the planet and in the galaxy. Here @sirenahippie!

Today, thanks to the @inleo team, we start a new initiative: THE BEST DRINKSLOVER LION, which is intended to recognize the quality, effort, creativity and originality of all those #drinkslovers who publish their amazing drinks in this community.

This initiative consists of the selection by the Amazing Drinks team of the best four weekly publications in this community; those that will be voted on by all of you, dear #drinkslovers, in a poll that we will publish every Friday on The user that is the winner in that poll, will be the beneficiary of 60% of the reward for the results post, which will be published the following Friday. Likewise, will be eligible to receive a vote from the @leofinance community (during the next week), as long as publish from Next we will explain how to choose THE BEST DRINKSLOVER LION


  • Log in to the platform with your user, either using LeoAuth, Hivesigner or Hive Keychain, any of these options are valid. You must enter the indicated arrow

  • Once you are in the platform, You can open the poll link that we will share below, which will take you to a screen like this, (this is just an example). There, with a simple click, you can choose THE BEST DRINKSLOVER LION, and that's it. Super easy, super simple.

  • In case you cannot see your vote, you just have to refresh the screen and the result will appear and who voted for each option.

This week's nominees to THE BEST DRINKSLOVER LION

Having already explained what this simple voting process is like, let's see who are this week's nominees for THE BEST DRINKSLOVER LION, corresponding to the period from Friday, March 8, to Thursday, March 14, 2024.

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