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Lying around

A soft and warm mattress, comfortable pillows and bolsters, and a soft thick blanket are the real enemy these days. Sometimes think, could it be that the bed is too comfortable to lie down and sleep in?

Then try to get rid of the thick blanket and replace it with a thin sarong. And don't forget to intentionally not put the bed sheet so that the mattress is really uncomfortable to sleep on. The result? There is no change at all. Can still fall asleep and refuse to wake up in the morning. It turns out that it's not because of the bed that has a problem but this body that is too reluctant to get out of the comfort zone in the morning.

It was drizzling in the middle of the day. Accompanied by a bowl of warm boiled noodles with an egg in it to make up for the existing hunger, then fell back down in comfort and laziness to do something. It couldn't be helped, doing anything had to be against a head as heavy as a rock as well as legs as stiff as a tree trunk. Being weak and unable to work because is too tired, the usual reason is implied in the heart.


Image by efes from Pixabay

It tastes so delicious the noodles are eaten today. Accompanied by a notebook and a pen placed near the noodle bowl because he didn't want to lose any of this moment. The moment of eating when hungry is delicious because it is true that when we eat something when hungry it will feel more delicious.

Thousands of pessimistic feelings still haunt, sometimes even makes a dead-end though, only left to move the pen to paper, to be able to ignore the pessimistic voice in the head.

Indeed, in conditions like this, you can realize one thing, why some days you lose motivation for yourself and just want to do activities lying down all day. To forget to drink coffee. Indeed, laziness is a problem until now, so this body does not have the energy to do activities, including to think and think. Reclining is a comfort zone for anyone. But a comfort zone like that can kill dreams and ideals that should really be fought for. Instead of being taken to sleep and lying down.

Sometimes want to give up everything you dream of, but everything must be lived. Especially seeing the responsibility that has become a responsibility. live as humans, live as men, and live as parents. Even though it's just lying down, it turns out to have a pretty bad impact on a thought. Making replaces dreams with endless fantasies and origins for what they are created for. It's definitely just lazy. 🤣😅😉
