Saturday Savers 2024 Progress Report - Week 19

It's Saturday already... where did the week go ?

But the weather is lovely here at last, so I've spent most of the day tinkering with the bike. Eventually it'll actually be back on the road. Eventually. The joys of vintage vehicles 😆

Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio

Here's my table of progress for the week;

How Did The Week Go ?

Considering my lack of posting mojo over the last few weeks, I did surprisingly well this week in terms of earnings !

A good two thirds of the HP earned came from curation rather than post rewards, which is actually really cool. It just goes to show how effective compounding can be when combined with maintaining engagement even when I haven't got the energy to make actual posts.

Admittedly most of the HP gain over the last couple of weeks has been delegated away, but that's okay because it gets me back on target with my delegations to @leo.voter and @eds-vote which in turn means I've been able to create a formula for how much I need to increase each delegation weekly to stay on top of it.

LEO is carrying on reasonably well, although I haven't been putting in nearly as much time on Threads as I should have been. It's LPUD this Wednesday, and I'll have to buy a bit of LEO to hit the 150 threshold. But every month the amount I have to buy comes down a little, so it's going to plan.

I'm continuing my ongoing project to slim down my Tribe token holdings. It's being done in a cautious kind of way - I'm waiting for decent prices in most cases, not just dumping. While it won't pay for all the LEO I need, it will certainly help !

The number of posts I made last week was less than it should have been, but I've been working on improving the quality and variety a bit, which seems to be paying off (or will in a week or two when the rewards come through...). Hopefully an appointment with an arthritis specialist next week will get my fingers pointing back in the directions they ought to and make posting a less painful and frustrating experience, as well !

So that was my week.... I hope yours was as good ! Don't forget LPUD on Wednesday ! 😀

If you're not familiar with SaturdaySavers, it's a fabulous initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account, where we all support each other in getting to our savings goals.

If you are one of my friends reading this (or just someone who tripped over one of my posts), I really recommend this as a great community that's well worth joining.

I'm normally very disorganised about saving, and the support of the wonderful people in #SaturdaySavers has been invaluable in keeping me focused. I can honestly say that without it, my HP would probably be half what it is now.

So join ! You don't have to wait until the start of the year. The best time to start saving is ten years ago. The second best time is right now !

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