Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 276 - Zyriel

How's it going people? I hope you're having a wonderful day (or night for the other half of you). The other day I was going through some of the newer cards in Splinterlands and I noticed a couple of new ones, among which, Zyriel caught my eye.

I like the fact that Splinterlands cards get more and more intricate each edition they come out and I wouldn't have liked Zyriel's any other way - true, her face could use more details, but that's as much detail you're gonna see looking at someone from such distance.

That's why today I'm here this week bearing her fanart as my entry for the Splinterlnads Art Contest.

Let's jump right into it...

The Process

Blood Splatter

Following the other week's Splatter effect (for Pelacor Deceiver), I decided to give her some Splatter effect as well since she uses more or less the same color palette as her and I think it was a fine addition to her grim look.

The Result

In the end, I adjusted some lighting here and there to make it seem so that she's about to attack with her light wings (pay attention to the original art, she has both bat-like undead wings and shield-like holy/light wings) and her grim expression, red eyes and splatter effect combine to create a feeling that she has and is about to massacre a gazillion lost souls.

Hope you enjoyed this week's entry,
and until next time, cheers~~~

Original Card Art

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