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5 Fun Facts About Google - Trivia Tuesday #1

Trivia Tuesday is a series in which I choose a topic, and then find and present some Fun Facts about it. In this first installment, I chose to talk about "Google." A giant company in the tech space that I'm sure all of you know about.

Fun Facts

1. Google Owns The Top 2 Search Engines

Everyone knows that Google is the top Search Engine. Google also owns the second-largest Search Engine in the world: YouTube.

It always blows my mind that Google has a near monopoly of internet searches.

2. Feeling Lucky? Click!!

Clicking the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button bypasses the search engine results page. It takes you directly to the first web page listed in the results.

It's estimated that this feature costs Google around $110 million in revenue annually, as it bypasses the ads displayed on the results page.

This was a nice piece of trivia to learn considering I never use the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button before researching this.

3. Renewable Energy

Google is committed to operating on renewable energy. It achieved its goal of purchasing enough renewable energy to match 100% of its global electricity consumption in 2017. (Source.)

I kinda expected Google to do something like this, but I was surprised by how early it achieved the goal!

4. "I'll Google it"

The word "Google" has entered the English dictionary as a verb in 2006. (Source.)

I've used the phrase "I'll Google it" many times myself.~

5. The Origin of the Name

Google's name is derived from the mathematical term "Googol." Which is a large number written as 1 followed by 100 zeroes.

I always thought the origin of the name was the eye accessory: Goggles!

What do you think?

I want to keep Trivia Tuesday posts short so it won't be overwhelming to do it weekly. If you liked this format, tell me in the comments. Suggest a topic you like! I take requests.~

Thanks for reading.~