First Introductory Post on Hive Blockchain

Hello everyone! This is my first Introductory post on hive blockchain to prove I am a Human!

My name is Akshata Prabhu and I'm primarily a visual artist living and working in India.


I did BFA in Painting at Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai (2019-20 a.k.a. First COVID batch)


In my art school studio, as a final year student (ps. I wasn’t using the step ladder; it happened to be there so used it for posing 😅)

My art practice is usually investigative, perceptive and experimental in nature. My works are based on notions of human perception (visual-audio), nature of thought, facial perception in surreal compositions. And I keep exploring the world around me (physical, mental, emotional, virtual) through visual notes.


Some works from my final undergraduate year and later...

Currently, I'm creating surreal illustrations, a series of illustrations on Pareidolia (tendency to see face-like thingie.... everywhere!) and some research-oriented works too.
I also love experimenting with stuff.


Been trying a hand at handmade jewellery too, using embroidery,paper-pulp, soap-nut & soap-pod seeds.

I sing sometimes and write as well. Still improving, though.

A Bit Backstory ~

To be frank, I have been fed up with the daunting Instagram algorithm and yearning to be in a community where my art & visual stories could reach a broader audience without being lost in the ocean of the algorithms. I searched for some strong, non-algorithmic alternatives but to no avail.
A few months back, I came across steemit and got to know how a decentralized, blockchain-based social media platform might help solve this issue.
I posted a few of my Inktober series works on Steemit.
Soon I found that steemit doesn't give enough justice to artistic talents. One of the steemit users (sorry I can't remember their name/find their reference) recommended Creative Coin and other D-social media platforms based on Hive blockchain. And here I am!

At hive here, I'm planning to cultivate a dedicated art-based blog. Will hugely appreciate your responses and thoughts on my upcoming posts!

I strive to create authentic and inventive content through this blog and I hope my work gives you some value!
You can know more about me Here at my website
Find me on ~
Instagram (Yes, I still have to post there because of my followers)


Thanks for stopping by and reading my post!
Love and Peace🌼🌻🌺🏵🌸🌷


Have a nice day!



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