I've just hit 11K Hiver Power and you can too

11,000 Hive Power!!!

I'm delighted to say that I have finally hit my next target on my Hive Power growth journey. Having got to 5 digits of Hive Power a few months back, it is nice now to hit another milestone of 11K Hive Power. Now that I have hit 11K though, I am considering changing my habits a little bit. Up to now, 95% of the time I converted my HBD to Hive and then turned it into Hive Power, but I am now considering changing this habit and instead transferring the HBD earned on posts to my savings account which will return an impressive 20% APR. I would love to know if anyone as run the figures to see which is more beneficial to your growth, the 20% via savings or the 3.09% via Hive Power and the curation potential from this Hive Power?


New User Advise

For any new users reading this and wondering how can one get to 5 figures Hive Power, the first thing I'll say is that there is no quick and easy way, unless you want to invest fiat currency day 1, around $3,000 would do it and to be honest, it would be an excellent investment if you were willing to invest the time and energy into the platform. However, if you are like many who join Hive and you want to grow from nothing, then hard work and engagement are the secret sauce of growth around here.

So often what we see is people falling into the trap of seeing content returning high yields and trying to copy or better it, and then they are disheartened that their posts make meagre or sometimes no return at all. They fail to realise that they are posting into the abyss and in those early days they are essentially invisible, as they have no followers and nobody knows they exist. The best thing to do in those early days is to start off for maybe the first month by engaging with users, by reading loads and loads of posts and making meaningful and thoughtful comments. Build up a rapport with people, gain some followers, and then after maybe one month of doing this, and learning along the way, start making posts, perhaps one per week to begin with, including an introductory post to tell people all about you.

In my opinion, you won't find anyplace else on the internet with more helpful people, who want you to succeed than here on Hive, every day I see posts with excellent advise and strategies, so if you are new, do try to heed the advise, trust me, it will really help you in the long run.

My Own Growth

Now moving on from new users and some advise, let's get back to my own growth to 11K HP. How did I get here? Well posting every day so far in 2023 has certainly helped. Engaging with the community and starting off my own mini community Three Tune Tuesday has also been instrumental and has really helped with my username becoming pretty well known in the Hive world.

Ok let's get a shameless plug in here now. What is Three Tunes Tuesday you might ask? Well every Tuesday music lovers from around the world get together under the following hashtag #ttt to share three tunes that they really like, three tunes that they have a little story about, three tunes that they've recently listened to, three tunes that they listened to a long time ago or my favorite of all three tunes that they've written themselves and share under the tag. I listen to them all, comment and upload them all and by the end of the week we give out a prize in the form of ten shares of HBI. I absolutely love it. What started out as just me sharing three songs into the Hive ether a couple years ago has grown slowly at first with a few people join in me and we are now up to having forty unique entries every week. I get to hear really cool tunes from a cool bunch of people every week the only tricky part is trying to pick a winner from all the worthy participants. If you're reading this and you've never had a go then why not join us this week on Tuesday with your three tunes. I guarantee that you'll meet some really cool people and enjoy the tunes that are shared by the others. It's an excellent way to engage and get to know others too. Just click on either tag #ttt #threetunetuesday to find out more.

Ok, now let's get back to the theme of this post, which is figuring out Jacob's get the figs into fig rolls, oh and me getting to 11K HP baby..

Meagre Beginnings

There are a lot of us out there in the Hive world that started off with 5 Hive and basically grew organically from there. In a lot of ways it is the hardest way to grow and really buying 1000/2000/5000 Hive right at the beginning is a much better idea, as that first 1000 is by far and away the hardest to accumulate and it actually took me years, but back then my posting quality was not as good as today and I posted sporadically. If you are just starting off and have <1000 HP, honestly just make the initial investment to get over 1000HP and a few years down the line, you can take back out that seed money if you wish. Were I to start again, this is most certainly the approach that I would take and get that growth going nice and quickly.

I formed a habit a while back, where I post every single day and that has paid off for me and paved the way from my continued growth here on Hive and I couldn't be happier. It is always good to observe some Power users here on Hive and learn from them. It's akin to learning from a senior engineer or a young up and coming soccer star learning from guys that have been at the top for years.

It honestly doesn't feel like that long ago since I had under 1,000 Hive Power and having grown my account from scratch that first 1,000 was without a doubt the most difficult to accumulate. What has happened since then has been unbelievable. As I said, I committed to posting every day of the week and I fairly quickly hit and passed other milestones, each one coming a little quicker than the last. 2,000 did take a while alright, but nothing in comparison to the first 1,000. Then, in early 2022 I passed 3,000, March to be exact. I wrote a post about that actually and 81 days later I hit another milestone, as I accelerated past 4,000 Hive Power, I think that was some time in May 2022, and 5,000 came around mid June 2022 I think, followed by 6,000 Hive Power on August 1st 2022. Somewhere along the way I lost the support of a brilliant and very kind whale, which slowed the progress a little, but I dusted myself down and on September 28th 2022 I passed through the 7,000 barrier. Another 53 days passed and on November 20th 2022 I hit another milestone of 8,000 HP. January 24th 2023 saw me smash past 9,000 Hive Power. April 16th 2023 was the day that I finally hit five figures of Hive Power and that was a serious milestone for me. Today June 22nd, I have hit 11,000 HP and I'm delighted about that.


I'd have reached this milestone earlier, however with the Hive price edging higher I've been putting a little bit of my HBD rewards into savings which return an impressive 20% APR and I will continue to do so, as I said in the introduction.

20% APR and low risk

As I said above, I have some HBD cooking away making me a yield of 20% APR and I believe everyone should squirrel a little bit away as 20% is considerable and it's also handy to be able to liquidate in 3 days if the need arises.

Spreading The Word

I'm a talker, you may have noticed! Every day blabbing on about this and that! So, it should not come as a surprise to learn that I've always been one to tell family and friends about Hive and Crypto in general and for a long time this was met with raised eyebrows and blank expressions, but lately people want to know more and the barriers to getting in are constantly lowering. The 20% APR mentioned above is a perfect example of how to attract people, not 124,678% APR for some Johnny Come lately mad coin or token that is highly speculative.


Most investments are in some way speculative and pretty much all Crypto is speculative, but it is a matter of being cute and considered with just how speculative you want to be.

I hold other coins in Crypto and I often consider liquidating the lot and pumping it into Hive. I could more than double my Hive holdings overnight or invest in HBD and watch my investment grow by 20% each year.

Thanks to the Community


It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Thanks a million to all of my friends on Hive for your kind support over the years. It's very much appreciated, and I look forward to growing with you all for the rest of 2023 and beyond.

This eco system of ours is built upon sharing, kindness and engagement and it is heartening to see so much genuine engagement and interaction across the various communities and groups.


In my opinion there is no other place online where people are so helpful and altruistic. Let's keep it that way and look out for each other and support each other. On that note, I am going to wrap things up.

As always Thanks for reading.

The images used throughout are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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