8kun, Qanon and Jim Watkins Back in Da News Thanks To The Penmanship of a Rothscild & The "Evidence" Supplied By A Quarrelsome Human Bean

Lazy Dribbling & Spitting Out da Same Ole' Story, Same Ole' Villains to the Same Ole' Captive Qaudience.

DailyDot's Hot Take on Qanon, Online Imageboards and Racist White Supremacy (probably). This article is stupendous to read when you pull away the cobwebs of misrepresentation & disinformation.

M.Moira/Shutterstock {} The Goldwater/YouTube (Licensed) Remix by Jason Reed

Direct Link to DailyDot article, written by Mike Rothschild and last edited Aug 31st 2020.


A friend showed me this article today, knowing that I would have something to say in relation to it. I have a lot to say on this sham piece of writing infact; a whole lotta nuthing to be frank, to be fair, to be honest.

I jest ye... I will spit my piece then move on - resuming my media #msm period of abstinence.

So What is the Article About? Who or What is 8Kun and Qanon, Is Jim Watkins Qanon?

Mike Rothschild's article for the DailyDolt is about 8ch.net / 8kun.top and it's standing as the online host of the fabled Qanon "drops," all of which are debuted in the board /qresearch. Unfortunately for Mike, he has bunched together a collection of mainstream social media commentary #mssm as a method of confabulating any reader on any or all topics.

Mainstream Social Media is not a very unbiased source of reputable information in my opinion and it's something I cringe at when I read alleged journalism that quotes it extensively. This is bottom of the barrel stuff, folks. Dregs at the bottom of the keg quality right here, fuckers.

So Pinch your nose, take a deep breath and sip slowly. Pretend its a fine Rothschild Red Wine from Shittoh Latifa Rothschild

Mainstream Social Media Is Totally PROOF!

First "source" is a reddit thread... um. Lol. in the subreddit /QanonCasaulties no less! Where else would we find a Rothschild deep-diving into the secret identity of Qanon? Lazy Mike is so lazy he refers to the whole thread with many different commenters as "it" - it as in "they say that Qanon is Jim Watkins, owner of 8kun."

I haven't even read this reddit thread (don't need to...) and I am still confident in saying that the original poster is Frederick Brennan, the original creator of 8ch.net.

Second "source" is this decent TheVerge.com article dating back to when 8chan was forced to shut down after the El Paso Shooting in August 2019. US Congress requested an audience with Jim Watkins as the owner of 8chan. The audience was request mainly to have him answer queries regarding alleged hosting of "speech" that could denote racial white supremacist terrorism.

The precise motivation for Mr Watkins' summoning to the US mainland via a subpoena issued by the US House Committee on Homeland Security was so he could address specific terrorist shootings and whether his website / imageboard had anything to do with them. Yes all these shooters were all white supremacist terrorist "incel" young men and the implication of 8ch being "free speech" meant that Yes they were all congregating there, sharing evil racist ideologies... ho hum..

Disinfo Alert!

There was already speculation that Q and Watkins were linked, as when 8chan went down in August 2019, the Q poster didn’t make their drops somewhere else, instead waiting around for months while 8chan found a new service provider and rebranded as 8kun.

The naievety of herr Rott Schild is blatant with his n00b usage of phrases he doesn't understand: "Q poster didn't make their drops elsewhere." A drop is a post comprised of text, how does Mike know their weren't any drops aka "posts" made anywhere else during that period?

I do concede his tricky use of noncommittal, suggestive language to achieve the intended goal of speaking from a position of apparent authority. "Speculation" is the language being used here to infer that the grapevine gossip was already known! I mean, you knew, right??!!!

wearing a QAnon pin and started a political SuperPAC devoted to boosting QAnon-friendly candidates.

A good journalist would do more with such juicy grounds for further investigation. Qanon is using Jim Watkins as a front for a Qanon SuperPAC Politikill! I don't understand any of this statement as it is not substantiated at all.

Mainstream Social Media Is Totally PROOF! GamerGate Girlies Victimhood Edition


Briannu Wu (aka Poo) A Tweet!

I hope the media will investigate I hope the media will investigate

I hope the media will investigate

I hope the media will investigate
I hope the media will investigate
I hope the media will investigate
I hope the media will investigate

Sweetie, the media doesn't exist to investigate anything but it does make you hope that it does, doesn't it? Continue tweeting for relevance, sweetie!

Disinfo Alert!

But while it would make sense for Watkins to be responsible for Q’s posts,.....there’s been no conclusive proof of it.....even as speculation has persisted for years they were behind it.

I would beg to differ - the inclination towards leaning upon the corroborated & amplified #msm #mssm resources for usurping critical thinking faculties of any reader is a large expenditure of aforementioned resources.

All for speculation? Pish-Posh, he is obviously guilty as implied and if you don't believe this unquestionably then continue reading Herr Mikkael Rott Schild's unconvincing I mean convincing big piece for DailyDolt...

This is #informationwar cleverly packaged in what reads like a purposefully poorly written sHit Piece and that description is transferable to the vast majority of created, written content these days. Quite sad to realise this but hey, i'm not complaining... i'm writing to be fighting (trying to).

Disinfo Alert!

Nary a sentence into the future and I have to announce another Disinfo Alert!

"Anti-Q activists" = Fredrerick Brennan + Twitter hashtag created by spooks & anons.

Q drop aggregators are critical in the movement, since Q promoters generally don’t want followers navigating a racist and difficult-to-read site like 8chan for Q content.

If you want dat fresh drop, ya better get on the 8chan / 8kun tip and sing that "difficult-to-read" tune.

And with tens of thousands of people using it at any given moment, QMap is the most popular of the aggregator sites. It was originally hosted by Amazon Web Services, but for whatever reason, at some point in the last few months (it’s not clear when), it switched to internet security firm VanwaTech. If this name is familiar to Q watchers, it’s because it’s the same firm that was revealed in October to be the new security provider for 8kun.

What's not clear when? Investigate further, you fucker. I'm not convinced.


That's a question to you, because I have. As soon as I saw Frederick Brennan's face and name I decided it was high time to skiddadle.

Frederick Brennan is a scheming, conniving, quadriplegic turncoat completely lost & without an anchor now he can't be getting high off his own supply. His presence is a thorn in the side of Internet Consciousness and if only you knew of the extent of his disturbing schemes and conduct.. bleh!

The End

Here is a pastebin planted as a seed by Frederick Brennan back in August 9th 2019. https://pastebin.com/d8ZMkQtJ . Prepare for mendacity and mega-lo-manic Dr Claw / Dr Evil mental illness for your read of it. want to find more archives with logs and plenty of information to go digging through, go /dig in julay.world!

DateTitle & URLBackup
Aug 28Dailydot.com - Did an IP address accidentally reveal QAnon’s identity?(1)
Aug 31Dailydot.com - Did an IP address accidentally reveal QAnon’s identity?(2)
3 columns
2 columns
1 column