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7-Day Positivity Challenge. Fail LOL

I intended to upload a positive inspiring post every day, as per the instructions, but life got in the way. Oops. Sooo, this is more of a catch-up post.


Don't worry though... I kept my positive attitude and have been having a wonderful time in the 3D world.

Love MMA

This weekend brought the UFC to my beloved Liverpool. What a night! Darren Till played a tactical game and defeated the amazing Wonderboy! I couldn't get tickets (sold out in seconds!) but we got some drinks and munchies in and watched the live stream -- our own mini-mma party. Great night!


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There's been a lot of socialising and having fun with my friends and family this week. There are a couple of my grandkids in fancy dress. My best friend of 45 years hosted a party. Laughs, debauchery and general shenanigans. Great times. Having such a fabulous lifelong friendship brings the positivity vibes to the max :D


I've been upgrading my son's gaming room and am happy to say it's all done! He wanted a black, green and red vibe. The colour game is strong on this one.

I'm not a tidy worker. Here's the mess...

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The first coat done :D


Finally, all the stuff was put back in place. He couldn't wait to get back on his games.

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Here's the night time pic with mood lighting. That's a happy boy! Ok, the pic is a bit blurry but you get the idea :D. I'm on his computer now, hence the lack of my usual links at the bottom of the post.

So, here's hoping you are enjoying all that's positive in your life, focusing on things that bring you joy, gratitude, fulfilment. I am, and it's all gooood <3

Thank you to @conradt for the inspiration.

love, Anj xx

Unless otherwise stated, all pics are mine or freely available online without restrictions.